I added this question to a previous question, but since I didn’t get any responses, I thought I’d post it again.
I’m knitting a stocking in the round. It’s going to be red with a white band, with red letters on the white. I’m going to use stranded knitting to do the red letters on white background. I’ve started out by knitting 10 rounds of red. Next, I need to do 2 rows of pure white, and then I’ll start with the red letters on the white background.
Should I keep my current strand of red going, and just carry it up until I need it (after 2 rows of white), or should I cut it and start a new strand of red when it comes to the lettering?
The letters are only on one half (the front of the stocking). So I don’t want to carry the red strand all the way around for the rest of the round where it’s all white. But if I just let it hang at the end of the lettering (on my first row of lettering), then when I knit back around to it, my red strand is going to be at the wrong end. KWIM?