Ok…after MUCH trouble yesterday with my gauge…I FINALLY got it and I am ready to start on my pattern.
With smaller needles, cast on 38 (42) sts.
Row 1 Knit.
Row 2 Purl.
Cont in St st, inc 1 st at each edge every 6th row (on Knit row) three times. Work until piece measures 8 (10) in. 44 (48) sts.
Ok, now, I know I knit one row, then purl the other, then I continue doing that…
I get confused when it says…
inc 1 st at each edge every 6th row (on Knit row) three times
does that mean, I just increase it one stitch, every six rows (making sure it’s on the knit row) but what does the three times mean? I’m confused…can you tell? :??