Need help reading pattern

Hi there,
I am stumped by these pattern instructions for knitting the yoke on a sweater. This is my first time knitting a top-down sweater so I’m not quite sure was the pattern is needing me to do here.

This is from a Laine pattern for the Comfy sweater.
Am I meant to repeat the increase instructions around the first round? And then the instructions for the following rounds confuse me because I have over 100sts so by following those repeat instructions for each round I’m not getting close to knitting to end of each round.
Any help would be very much appreciated!

Welcome to KH!
These are certainly confusing directions with too many asterisks.
At the end of round 1 you have 8sts at least for this section. How many sts do you have cast on before you start the chart? It should be a multiple of 6 or at least a multiple of 6 in a chart repeat.

Round 7 is an increase round which can be simplified to:
Sl one, p1, sl one, increase 3 in one, (sl one, p1)x2 [10sts total in this section]
The only sts repeated here are the (sl one, p1)x2. That’s the same as sl one, p1, sl one, p1.

Round 13 is another increase round which is simplified as:
(Sl one, p1)x2, increase 3 in one, (p1, sl one)x2, p1
That gives you a total of 12sts in this section.

Maybe this one?

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Hi salmonmac,

Yes that’s the pattern.

Before starting this chart I’ve cast on 120sts for the collar

OK, that makes sense. I assume then that each section starts with 6sts (120sts total), after increase round 1 each section has 8sts (160sts total), and after round 7 each section has 10sts (200sts total) and after round 13 each section has 12sts (240sts total).

It’s a very clever use of slip sts, knits and purls, and a lovely sweater.

Thank you so much for your help!

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That’s a great-looking sweater! I’d probably put stitch markers for every pattern repeat, just to ease the counting. It’s far easier to count groups of 6, 8,10 etc., than to count 200 to find that one you missed somehow.

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I love the sweater. I wish it was available as a standalone pattern.

Good luck with sweater.

Check your local public library. They might have the book or be able to order it from another library.
You might be lucky!

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