Hello everyone, I am knew to this page and am so completely lost with this pattern that says it’s for beginners.
I would truly love some help please if you can assist. I am up to the part below that says to shape neck and raglan sleeve AT SAME TIME, I’m so confused and would appreciate some help please.
All sizes: Shape neck: 1st row:
(RS). K2. ssk. K10. K2tog (neck edge). Turn. Leave rem sts on a spare needle.
2nd row: Purl.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and alt rows, AT SAME TIME, dec 1 st at raglan edge (as before) on next and alt rows until there are 4 sts. Next row: (WS). Purl.
Next row: ssk. K2tog. 2 sts.
Next row: P2.
Next row: K2tog. Fasten off.
With RS facing, slip next 19 (21- 21-21-23-23) sts onto st holder. Join yarn to rem sts. ssk. Knit to last 4 sts. K2tog. K2.
Next row: Purl.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and alt rows, AT SAME TIME, dec 1 st at raglan edge (as before) on next and alt rows until there are 4 sts.
Next row: (WS). Purl.
Next row: ssk. K2tog. 2 sts. Next row: P2.
Next row: K2tog. Fasten off.
With smaller needles, cast on 38 (38-42-42-46-46) sts.
Work 21⁄2" [6 cm] in (K2. P2) ribbing as given for Back, ending on a 2nd row and inc 3 sts evenly across last row. 41 (41-45-45- 49-49) sts.
Change to larger needles and work 6 rows in stocking st.
Her Version only: Inc 1 st each end of next row and following 6th (4th-4th-4th-4th-4th) rows until there are 67 (59-63-81- 83-85) sts.
Sizes M and L only: Inc 1 st each end of next row and following 6th rows until there are (73-77) sts.
All sizes: Cont even until work from beg measures 17 (171⁄2- 171⁄2-161⁄2-16-16)" [43 (44.5-44.5- 42-40.5-40.5) cm], ending on a purl rowstrong text
Need help please!
Welcome to the forum!
These “at the same time” are often confusing. It helps to write out the row numbers for the neck edge decreases and then do the same for the raglan decreases.
After working the sts on row 1 you’ll have 14sts on the right hand needle. Turn as you would at the end of a row and place the sts remaining on the left needle on a holder or waste yarn.
Purl across the 14sts then on the next row, call it row 3, decrease at the neck edge. Decrease on rows 5,7,9 and 11.
At the raglan edge, decrease on rows 3,5,7,9 and 11.
That’ll be 10 decreases in all and leave you with 4sts. Then follow the directions for completing the top of this shoulder. Happily, the decreases at neck and raglan are on the same rows so you’ll decrease at the beginning and end of the row.
What is the name of your pattern?

Salmonmac, ok I’ve done the part that you explained, I’m not sure if the next part of the pattern is referring to the stitches on the holder on this piece (front) of jumper, can you please let me know if that is what the pattern means? Also, do I follow these directions for the neck and raglan for the back of the jumper? Sorry to sound stupid and ask so many questions, I’m worried I will stuff it up if I try what I think and bugger it up! Thank you again:slightly_smiling_face:
Great going! This is all going to make sense and will help when you make the next raglan sweater.
The next directions refer to the sts on hold. The middle sts will be placed on a holder for the center neck. You’ll be working with the 16 sts at the opposite end, the raglan end.
You’re going to work the decreases on these 16sts to match the first shoulder. Dec at the neck edge and the raglan as given in the first row after you join the new end of yarn. (You join a new end by leaving ~6 inches of tail and starting to knit with the new strand.) Work the second row, the purl row. Dec at each end on rows 3,5,7,9 and 11 then follow the directions for the last 4 sts.
The directions for the back are the same up to the double asterisk under Shape Raglan. Then the directions for the shoulder and neck shaping differ slightly. You’ll be decreasing on both knit and purl rows. If you have problems with that section, come back and ask. You have a bunch of friendly knitters here to help out.
We’re happy you found us and that you’ve taken up knitting again. Enjoy!
Hello everybody, hope you’re having a great Saturday. Thank you Salmonmac for your awesome explanations so far and help, I’ve know completed the front, back and raglan sleeves of my jumper.
Can someone please help me to understand the neck section of the pattern? I’ll post that part of the pattern. I’m note really sure where to start and what the pattern means.
Thank you again for your help.
That’s terrific. You’re almost there!
Seam the raglan edges to each other, sleeve, front, sleeve and back leaving the back left seam open. Starting at the left sleeve (left as you would wear the sweater) knit the sts on the holder and as you knit them make 2 decreases. K2tog twice will work here.
Pick up and knit 15sts along the left front neck, knit across the held sts for the front and then pick up and knit 15sts up the right front neck. Finally, knit the given number of held sts on the right sleeve holder decreasing 2sts as you knit and then knit the sts from the back holder again decreasing 2sts as you knit these back sts. The decreases don’t have to be precisely located but just not clumped in one place.
You’ll be working back and forth on these sts.
Here’s a video for picking up and knitting sts in case you need it.