Need help on shaping armhole! pls

I am still quite a beginner when it comes to knitting. I have made blankets but I really want to try a baby sweater. Can someone please explain this sentence to me:

Shape armholes: Cast off 5 (6-8-8) sts beg next 2 rows. 43 (45-47-49) sts.
[COLOR=“Red”]Cont even until armhole measures 4½ (5-5¼-5½) ins [11.5 (12.5-13-14) cm], ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off.[/COLOR]

Thank you so much!

The only armhole shaping here is in the first line of the instructions:
Cast off 5 (6-8-8) sts beg next 2 rows. 43 (45-47-49) sts.
The next sentence means that you should continue knitting without any shaping. Just continue whatevery stitch you have been using without any increases or decreases until the given lengh and then bind off.

Thank you! That is what I thought but just wanted to make sure!!