I’m knitting a Louisa Harding cardigan. I don’t understand the directions for shaping the shoulders and back neck.
"BO 6 sts, work in patt until there are 8 sts on RH needle and turn[/I] (this much I understand).
Place remaining stitches on holder (is it the 8 sts that go on the holder or the other part that was worked in patt?)
Then you work both sides of neck separately. (I don’t get it… ) Bind off 3 sts, purl to end (is this part of the 8 sts that were on the RH needle?)
BO rem 5 sts. (the other part of the 8 sts on the RH needle?)
With RS facing, rejoin yarn to sts from holder and BO center 27 sts, work in patt to end.
Complete to match first side, reversing shaping and working an extra row before start of shoulder shaping.