Need help in knitting instruction Divide for Neck

Hi, I am stuck in this section of the pattern Divide for Neck

There are 134 Sts on the last instruction

Next row
K2tog, patt 63
—> what does this mean

And the next instruction is
K2tog, turn , leave rem 67 sts on a stitch holder

Working on these 65 sts as follows
—> why 65 when the remaining stitches are 67

Appreciate very much for all the help :blush:

The directions want you to work a k2tog then work in the stitch pattern you have been using on previous rows for 63sts. The pattern of knits, purls and cables will continue on those 63sts then k2tog (that’s 65sts on the right hand needle) and turn as you would at the end of a row. You’re going to work on one shoulder before the other. Leave the remaining 67sts (that other shoulder) for later. The directions will get to them after the first shoulder is finished.

If you want you can place the 67 second shoulder sts on a holder or scrap yarn or you can leave them on the needle and ignore them.

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That explains patt means. I’ll give it a try. L Thanks Salmonmac. :pray: .

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For working in pattern you might find it helpful to add a marker (or several) before div8ding and before any decrease shaping. If you can read your knitting and know where the cables go and how to line them up then markers may not be any use but if you are unsure then they can be really useful.
For instance find a cable somewhere in the middle of the shoulder, one that won’t be decreased, and mark it with knitting markers or yarn loops in a different colour, and mark up your written pattern or chart so you know which cable this is on your pattern.
This way you can count stitches in both directions from somewhere near the centre shoulder rather than from the beginning fo the row, as the beginning of the row changes as you shape but the markers stay in place.

Nice classic pattern. I hope to see it when you are finished. I quite like the idea of a cricket sweater for myself even though I’ve never liked cricket!