Need clarification on instructions for a Cardigan Knitting pattern, if you have time please.

This is my first time following a pattern without a video tutorial attached to it, I am trying to knit a cardigan. I have finished the back.
This is the next part the “Back neck shaping” and i am confused by the instructions. What does it mean by “Patt” and the following numbers?
is this saying to following the established pattern for whichever number goes with your chosen sizing? and then knit two together?
or am I just supposed to knit two together for the number of stitches listed? i’m sorry. i don’t understand.

Back neck shaping
Next row Patt 26(30:34:38:42:46:50) sts, k2tog, turn.
| 27(31:35:39:43:47:51) sts.
Next row Patt to end.
Next row Bind
(cast) off 4(5:5:6:7:7:8) sts, patt to last 2 sts,
k2tog, turn.
| 22(25:29:32:35:39:42) sts.
Next row Patt to end.
Next row Bind
(cast) off 4(5:5:6:7:7:8) sts, patt to end.
| 18(20:24:26:28:32:34) sts.
Next row Patt to end.


Yes, this is exactly it.
“Patt” means stay in pattern, taking into account that the stitch count is changing you may need to look at your work or count stitches to work out how to maintain the pattern so it stays correct.
Similarly with the "bind off 4(5…) sts, patt to last 2 sts
Here remember whn you bind off the last stitch for your size you will need to work one more stitch to enable the bind off to happen. This single stitch can also be kept in pattern by deciding to knit or purl it , in fact you can bind off all stitches in pattern which gives a little more stretch to the bind off edge.

Hope we see the end result or a pic of the work in progress.