Need a first garmet pattern

Hi all, I am interested in starting my first sweater garment for my friend, However I need it for an XL ladies about 40" bust. Any suggestions as to where I can find such patterns or how I can alter an existing pattern to fit that size.


I made my first sweater from Knitting Pure and Simple #9724. It was VERY easy.

You could also go with something like this.
Incredible Custom Fit Raglan

Raglans are nice because there’s no seaming. :wink:

Check out the web site Plus Size Knitting. It has some free patterns as well as patterns to buy. Good Luck!! Tillie

:cheering: try here also
Lion brand pattern finder

[quote=“Jan in CA”]I made my first sweater from Knitting Pure and Simple #9724. It was VERY easy.

I too am a beginner knitter. I like the patterns on the web page you gave, but can you tell me where I can find instruction on how to figure out doing these without a pattern? Perhaps a book or website recommendation?

Thanks! Jaye

I just LOVE the Knitting Pure and Simple patterns, they are so easy… a CAVEMAN could do it :roflhard: :roflhard:

Well worth the investment.

Most of the patterns in this book start at a 40" bust. It’s called Big Girl knits.

I really like the patterns in this book. They are flattering, and very up to date. I highly recommend it. I too am a…busty…well lets just say I haven’t seen my feet in a few years, (although I’m assure they are still down there somewhere). I am planning on making on of the shirts in the book. It’s made from hemp, and it’s absolutely beautiful (IMHO)

The knitting pure and simple patterns, where are they?

I get them on e-bay, I don’t think the price is much different from your LYS, but it is convenient for me: