

I’m working on my first jumper and have made the individual parts (front, back and sleeves). I’ve now got to this section about making the neck band and just wanted a bit of an explanation of how this process works. If someone could talk me through how this works it would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Am I right in thinking I’m joining just the top section of all the parts together in a circle?

Yes, joining all the held stitches plus some picked up sts to work the neckband possibly in the round although the pattern doesn’t mentions joining. (This should become clear in the steps that follow.)
The neckband starts with the held sts on the left back neck and adds the held sts on the left sleeve. Then you pick up sts on the front left side of neck, knit across the held front sts, pick up on the right side of neck, knit top of right sleeve held sts and finally the right back held sts.

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Thanks for your reply. I’ve knitting it together and seems to look ok. Thanks for your help.