Hi there, my name is Annie and
I have been knitting a rowan cotton jumper called landmark. All going well until I reached the shape shoulders and back neck instructions and I’d be really grateful if you can advise.Shape shoulders and back neck:
(Starting with RS and 106 sts after shaping armhole) Cast off 10 sets
At beg of next 2 rows. 86 sts (I did that)
Next row: cast off 10 sts, patt until there are 14 sts on needle, turn and leave rem sts on a holder (I did this and left 62 sts on holder)
Work each side of neck separately
Next row -WS- cast off 4 sts, patt to end. 10sts. Cast off rem sts (I cast off 4 finished that row for the 10 sts then cast them off)
With RS facing, working on rem sts, cast off centre 38 sts, patt to end. Complete to match first side of neck, reversing all shapings (I’ve got 62 sts left so do I follow pattern for 12 then cast off then do the other 12? The two sides of the jumper already look matching so don’t understand if I’ve done something wrong with the first 14 sts or what )
If you can advise I’ll be hugely grateful