Please help me with the shoulder and neck shaping (see orange arrow). Should I do short rows as in:
Knit till 4 stitches, then do 2-4-3, followed by 2-3-2?
And how to get 24 stitches for the neckline?
Thank you.
Please help me with the shoulder and neck shaping (see orange arrow). Should I do short rows as in:
Knit till 4 stitches, then do 2-4-3, followed by 2-3-2?
And how to get 24 stitches for the neckline?
Thank you.
Welcome to the forum!
I can’t completely justify the shoulder bind off but it looks like you bind off the first 4sts then work the bind off of 4sts every other row 3x, 3sts every other row 2x. That’s 22sts at each shoulder
There’s a bind off of 4sts at the neck edge, probably after the first bind off of 3 shoulder sts leaving 24sts for the center neck.
By short rows do you mean a sloped bind off:
Hi, thanks for your quick response. About the short rows, yes the shoulder has a slope. Btw, if I were to bind off, it means the shoulder stitches will not be live while the neckline stitches can be put on holder after I have done the decreasing, am I right? Or do I bind off all the concerned stitches? What sewing stitch would you recommend for joining shoulder seams so that they look neat and flat. Thanks.
It looks like the center neckline sts remain live and would be used if you pick up sts for the edging. If the edging is knit separately and attached then you could just bind them off using a new end of yarn and proceed with the second shoulder.
You could use mattress stitch on the sloped bind off. It’ll leave a seam to the inside but it is a neat method to use. I haven’t tried 3 needle bind off on sloped shoulders but you could test it out and see if it works well. You would keep the short row shoulder sts live instead of binding them off, then use 3 needle bind off.
Thank you so much for your advice. I have another question regarding the front right panel of a shrug
How should I do
4~1~1 } alternate 2 times
2~1~1 }
4~1~1 } alternate 3 times
2~1~2 }
My best reading for the second set is:
(1stitch every other row twice
then 1stitch on the following 4th row)
repeat the sequence twice more
For the first set:
(1stitch every other row
then 1stitch on the following 4th row)
repeat this sequence once more.
You might check with the Ravelry group “Excuse me?” to be sure.