My very first hat!

Hello everyone!

Ok im new so be nice! lol! (please?!)

Ive been knitting for a while I cant knit in a straight row really well!:wink: but didnt really learn much until recently and im still learning!

I just tried some circular knitting! My very first attempt was a hat! It only took 3 hours! lol!

It really needs work but its my first try!

What do you think!?

(rubbish pic from my phone!)

Well done! It’s a great looking hat and in beautiful colors. it looks cozy and warm too. Did you use a mulicolor yarn or is that 2 strands held together?

Wow! There’s not a thing wrong with that hat! It is cute cute cute! And it looks very warm, too!

I think you deserve kudos for trying some new things, sticking with it until you finished the project, and ending up with an adorable hat!

I will readily attest that my first attempts at circular knitting didn’t come out anywhere near this good! In fact, I got very frustrated with it and only picked it up again (with a little more success) just recently.

What a cute hat! You did a great job!

BTW we are always nice to each other here. :slight_smile:

Very nice hat! Everyone is really nice on this forum, so no worries :slight_smile: Come back with more photos as you learn and knit more :thumbsup:

:cheering: Looks good to me, and very warm. Keep up the good work

I like your hat, good work, warm and colorful. Congratulations on a job well done. :yay:

A very cute first hat and you even did a pom-pom. Good work. Warning: Hats can be additive because they are so fun to make. :thumbsup:

Thanks guys! You made my day! lol!

Your all lovely!

I made a new hat and for the first time in my life managed to follow a pattern! Me following a pattern! My gran is going to be so proud! lol!

It was very basic but is my second attempt! I think I have to post it in a new thread to show you the pic!?

I do have a question tho! Where do I post that!?
Its just on my first attempt the ends rolled up, is there a way or a stitch I can do that will stop it rolling up and just be kind of like a stocking cap type hat!?
Does that even make sense? lol!


Oh PS the colour of my first hat, it was an old sirdar wool from last year or maybe even the year before! It is fab colours! Like a candy cane! lol!

Oooooo, I really like this little hat! Great work! You should be very proud! :thumbsup:

Very cute. Love the color too

Great job! I like the yarn too. Keep it up.

I’m not sure anyone saw your question. Generally, people post questions in the “How-to Questions” section.

If you’re doing stockinette stitch (knit one row, purl one row on pieces worked flat OR knit all rows on circular needles), your knitting will curl at the edges. You can add a band of k1p1 rubbing (or some other variation of that) to keep your stitches from rolling. Garter stitch (purling alt rows when working on circular needles) and seed stitch (alternating knits and purls stitches across rows, offset by one stitch on next row) also keep stockinette stitches from rolling.