My sister is having a boy!

We just found out today. It’s her first and only the second grandchild on our side of the family, so it’s very exciting. Now we have one girl (our dd) and one boy.


How wonderful!! You’ll be an aunt again!!
My dd just had a boy in NOv. and he is our second grandchild. Her first child was a girl…so we have one of each and are thrilled. All the more reason to KNIT.:knitting: :knitting:

Great news! A lovely new arrival to the family :slight_smile:

That’s wonderful!!! now you have to get knitting on some baby gifts!!:cheering: :cheering:

:happydance: That’s wonderful!! :happydance:

Congrats :slight_smile:

I hope you have fun knitting baby things! :cheering:

Congrats, auntie! :balloons:

Ahhh that’s so wonderful, a new baby!:muah: Congrat’s!

So what are you going to knit for this baby??


Congratulations! You are so lucky that they wanted to know what they baby was and you can get a jump on the knitting. I have 3 babies to knit for and none of the parents want to know. I would love to knit little girly or boyish things instead of unisex. Thank God for primary colors!


That’s so exciting! My sister is having a baby girl “any time now”. She will be my first niece after two nephews! Babies are the best. :yay: