My raglan's gone wrong

I recently made a great sweater for my elder son so the younger one wanted one too, of course.
I thought that I did exactly the same thing but the raglan has come out all wrong, with the front left and back right going more or less straight up instead of diagonally!! Why :??
I had 4 markers and decreased 8 stitches every 2nd row, slip 1, k2 tog, pass slip stitch over. Obviously I have to rip it back to where the sleeves and body go on the same needle
but can you tell me what I’ve done wrong so I won’t do it again!!!
Gillian :knitting:

It sounds like the combination of markers and the double increase. In order to have the decreases angle in, you want the central stitch of the three stitches involved in the decrease to be directly above the decrease two rows before it. This is pretty difficult when using markers, as they will get eaten into the decrease.

I wouldn’t bother with the markers myself, as it’s pretty easy to recognise the double decreases by sight. But if you want to use markers, put it in after the centre stitch of the decrease. When you get to two stitches before the marker, slip 1, k2tog (removing the marker - this will be a bit tricky), then put the marker back in after the decrease. This way the marker is always immediately after centre stitch of the decrease.

Or you can use two single decreases and put the marker in between them.

What is the exact pattern row for the decreases? The slip, k2tog, psso will give you a left slanting decrease. There should also be a right slanting decrease. Can you give us a pattern link or pattern name?

I think you’re right about the stitch markers. The weird thing is that i did the same thing with the first sweater and it turned out perfect!! It seems logical about the decrease being reversed. I didn’t exactly use a pattern but one of these mathematical proportion diagrams. It just says use any decrease 2 form at each marker.

Here are directions for right and left slanting double decreases. Can you also borrow back the first sweater you made and take a look at how the decreases were done? Or get a close up picture of the shaping? Maybe that would help you out.

I ripped it back over the weekend and i’m going to go again - more carefully. I must have been meditating and lost concentration, I think.:aww: