My husband deserves LOTS of love!

Remember that unfortunate incident where I tried to knit from a hank of yarn? :oops: :oops:

My husband untangled it for me. All of it. I don’t even know how many hours it took, but he did it without me asking.

Should I keep him? :teehee:

Wow! :shock: I’m impressed, what a great husband!

Maybe you should knit him something? :teehee:

:cheering: What a wonderful husband you have! That was very thoughtful of him.

Well, I suppose! :roll:

Kidding! What a sweetie! :heart:

Very, very nice of him! Mine gave me $20 this afternoon…just because. And this is with me having my own checkbook too! I’ll probably have to give it to my children for something though. Oh well.

Congrats on the nice hubby!

:shrug: My husband told me I could lie to him about how much I spend on yarn… :shrug:

Awww that was so sweet of your husband. Definitely a keeper. Yesterday I had a particularly crappy day and I was over halfway done with a sock I have been working hard on when I realized my printer kindly cut an entire line off the bottom of a page and it screwed up my pattern. I ended up frogging the whole thing and chucking the wavy mess of yarn in the floor. DH came in and said, “I balled up your green yarn for you, but I don’t think I did a very good job at it.” He had balled it back up perfectly and I restarted the sock today.

He’s definitely a keeper! My DH helps with tangled yarn, too. :teehee:

Awww how sweet. Can I send him my tangled masses? :teehee:

No way, he should know better than to touch your wool. How dare he? If he wants to play with wool he should buy his own. Don’t keep him, kick him out and the sooner the better.
On a completely separate topic, where do you live?


Would you consider loaning him out for detangling??? :roflhard:

That is SO nice- what a good guy! He’d get a special pizza and beer nite at my house…

similarly- my DH actually noticed the other day that I was wearing a new blouse and gave me a compliment. (He’s wonderful, but usually oblivious to that stuff) :teehee:


WOW, that’s one great hubby! :slight_smile:

I recetly had to detangle 440 yds of fingering weight merino. It took me 2 days!. Your DH is definitely a keeper. Give him a hug for me too. He deserves it.