My Hide Away

I have not done much knitting this year :waah:

I did two projects, both are hide aways… below is the 2nd project… Why I call it as Hide Aways as i can hide away all the cables as i knitted the side straps and back straps to hold onto the cables…

Cute ideas!! BTW, I feel your pain. Having a career is throwing a wrench into my knitting time! Now I know why knitters are traditionally depicted as old ladies in rocking chairs…they’re the only people who have a lot of time to knit!


That is a great idea.

Very innovative! Thanks for the great photos, too!

Very clever! and makes your place look tidy and cozy too.

Cool idea and lovely execution of it!

But I’m sorry to hear you’re short on knitting time. I know how you feel. I’ll be really busy for the next few weeks, so there will be very few knitting minutes in my day. Perhaps it will slow down later, but . . . sheesh! two weeks and no progress on all these projects I need to get done!

Of course, eating’s nice, too! Sigh!

WOW! I love that you knit this as a cover up… it’s great and it works beautifully. How innovative!

What a neat idea!!!

What a good idea. I like the covers for the cables too. Thanks for showing us the pictures.

Very clever idea and looks great! Do you have a pattern you can share?
