I have made up some patterns myself and posted them on my blog.
You’re free to use them!
And yes, more to come, but I have to recharge my batteries which takes forever :rollseyes:
My free patterns
Somewhat off-topic from what you’ve posted here, but I’m curious as to how you did the progress bars for the projects you have listed on your blog. Is there a site w/ code for those? They’re cool, and I want some!
No prob, let me search…
…hmm, the site I got them from seems to be down…
Anyway, here’s the code for it:
[size=2] <object classid=“clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000” codebase=“http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0” width=“102” height=“17”>
<param name=“movie” value=“http://members.aol.com/brandie185/percentbar.swf?percentage=100&colorout=33ccff”>
<param name=“quality” value=“high”>
<embed src=“http://members.aol.com/brandie185/percentbar.swf?percentage=100&colorout=33ccff” quality=“high” pluginspage=“http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“102” height=“17”></embed>
</object> [/size]
The 100’s are the percentage you’ll have to change. I got it from http://annamation.ca/annaknits/freeblogstuff.php.
Very neat! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! Now I’ll have to see if I can find the time to incorporate that into my blog.
Simple little flash animation… I am acutally going to create a web app, after seeing that little bar, that will use a DB and a front end and everything so you dont’ need to update the HTML if you don’t need to bother… it will be a little easier to deal with… let me know if anyone would be interested in those
I’d love to try it out when it’s finished! I really, really wish I had more time to do stuff like this. I have a BS in Applied Computer Science, but motherhood takes priority at this time in my life. Mind you, I’m not complaining!! I’m lovin’ what I do! :cheering:
But please do let me know when your applet is done, and I’d be happy to test it out for you!! :happydance:
I did go ahead and add the others to my blog, though. Not too terribly difficult, but slightly labor-intensive.
Yeah… it’s just … why modify the raw html when you can have something that’s either file or db driven…
Easy peasey… I’ll get to work on it next week… cause I’m still trying to find better blogging software
Yeah … I’m feeling a bit trapped in the blogger that I have. I have to edit the template every time I want to make a change, and it’s rather inflexible. For instance, if I want to change templates, I have to wade through the code that’s there and pick out the stuff that I added in and save it so that I can paste it into the appropriate sections of a new template. Much too labor intensive; but I haven’t looked around enough to know what’s available and whether or not there’s anything any easier. I just haven’t kept up to date on this stuff – no time!!