My First Completed Project: A Scarf!

[FONT=“Franklin Gothic Medium”]I have finally finished my very first project! I attached my finished project as well as a before and after of how far I’ve come with my knitting. Any suggestions on what I should try to make next?? :slight_smile: [/FONT]

Very nice! And that’s some marked improvement there. You should be proud of how far you’ve come.

As far as what’s next, I say find something that interests you and that will KEEP you interested. Then find an easy pattern for it that you like and dive in.

It looks great and I love that color! Isn’t it fun to see how far you’ve come? :slight_smile:

It’s very nice and even knitting! Ideas on what to knit next? A cowl. A hat. Slippers.

Seamed Fingerless Gloves.

Easy Fingerless Gloves (free pattern at

It’s a great first project. Beautiful color, lovely knitting and perfect fringe. Enjoy wearing it!

Great job and welcome to the knitters ranks! :slight_smile: A very nice start.

I would suggest a simple hat as a next project. It gives you a chance to learn how to do ribbing (knit one, purl one) and knit in a round. The same knit stich in a round will make a different texture. Then if you feel adventurous, you can learn decreases to shape the top (which is really just knitting two stitches together) or knit straight and just tie up the top. The best thing you can make anything from a chic slouchy to a wacky hat with a huge pom-pom :slight_smile:

How come I can’t see it???

Well, since the rest of us saw it I’d say it’s something with your browser or computer. :think:

I can’t see it either. I’m using Firefox.

I cant see it either. ???

Weird…I can still see it, but maybe it’s just in my cache or something. :??

I am using Safari…but glad I am not the only one…

Firefox. No photo.


Love the colour and the workmanship is quite beautiful!
Congratulations! It’s a lovely first project!
TEMA :thumbsup:

great job! I always think it is fun to decide what to do next too! We look forward to more pics of more projects!

Congrats! I’m brand new to this too (haven’t even finished my first project yet), but I agree with the poster who said to pick something that will KEEP you interested as your next project. Years ago my then-boyfriend’s roommate tried to teach me how to knit by guiding me along making a dishrag. It looked a lot like your “before” pic, and it didn’t hold my interest because I didn’t really want a dishrag, so the motivation to improve just wasn’t there. This time around, a different friend taught me and I got to work right away on a scarf. I have sooo much more motivation now because I actually WANT to finish it and wear it. :slight_smile: I feel like (at least for me) the key for the still-learning phase is to work on something that excites you, because it can be sooo frustrating in the beginning. :stuck_out_tongue: Then once the process itself becomes easier, taking on more difficult patterns or objects for gifts will be easier too. I don’t know what my second project will be either. I’m only about 1/3 the way through my scarf. Maybe a hat? Or maybe I should do something that won’t be in the round so I can get some much-needed practice with standard needles?

I can see it and it’s lovely. (I’m using Opera and opened Firefox and can see it there too.) I’d give it an A+! :cheering:

As for what next, what do you think you want to learn? How adventurous are you feeling?

Looks great!!!