My Declaration

I went to a smaller LYS to pick up my supplies for the knit-a-long and I was impressed. There’s 2 more LYS’s that I’m going to check out tomorrow maybe and I bet they’re just as great. I couldn’t believe the stash this lady had!!! She was soooo incredibly helpful, friendly and funny. I walked into that store half an hour before closing tonight and presented my list to her:

2 skeins DK (sportweight) yarn
size 2 dpn’s
2 knitting markers

Hubby picked out the yarn, since the socks will most likely fit him instead of me. She picked out the needles for me and I picked out Stitch Count markers, which I can only hope means knitting markers.

I told her this is my first pair of socks. She offered so many times while I was there, that if I needed any help with my knitting projects that I should come in and see her and she’ll help me out.

Thus, I feel a transformation coming on and I want to share my declaration to everyone here (as I’m sure others have gone through the same experience):

I will no longer shop at Walmart, Zellers, Michael’s or any other large department store for yarn or knitting accessories

The feeling of awe was way to big to ignore when I walked into that little independently owned shop and saw the amazing selection of yarns. I can tell you that I did not have the same feeling when I walked down the aisle in Michael’s. The feeling I had there was a slight dread as I thought of how I was ever going to find the right yarn. I no longer have to feel that way, since I can just go to my new fav LYS.

I felt like a kid in a candy store in that place. She had so much more yarn and it was all over the place. I wouldn’t even know the first place to look for something specific but it wouldn’t matter. Comparatively, department stores felt like detention hall.

Here’s another treat that was right up my alley. She had toys!!! My son is 19 months old and he found a new best friend when she pulled out a toybox. She even had one of his ultimate fav toys that he bolted to right away.

My little trip tonight has just added a whole new dimension of love for knitting. Shopping for yarn is always fun, but at this place, there was an added personal touch to it that makes me want to come up with excuses to go back all of the time.

/happy, contented sigh

Belderaan, I’ve been wanting to ask this for a long time. What is LYS? I thought it was a chain like Michaels or something.

Anyway, I’m glad you had such a great visit there! Wish we had one.



I agree with you about smaller stores. My DH and I owned a small hardware store for about ten years. We had time to visit with our customers and get to know them as individuals. When people came in, we were there to serve them and appreciated their business.

Since then, I have always tried to shop at mom and pop stores. I love the individual attention and atmosphere.

While many of the larger stores try, their workers are often overrun with the large number of customers.

LYS = Local Yarn Shop. I live in a big city so I have lots of LYS’s to go to. Michael’s would be the closest LYS to me, since it is across the road. I am just chosing not to go there, in favour of the “smaller but with larger selection and friendlier, more helpful” yarn stores :smiley:

One of my favorite places is a LYS. I know what you mean when you said " I feel like a kid in a candy store", so do i.

I wish i knew more about knitting as i would love to work in one. Heck i would volunteer my time just to be in a LYS for hours :lol:

The City i live in has a darling YS within 7 minutes of me. (driving). The store is very small but oh the yarn she has. The walls are lined with beautiful yarn. I am so lucky.

I’m so pleased that my LYS has a great website as well…

It makes planning ahead of time a breeze, and it’s North of the border for any other Canadian shoppers tired of the $20-30 shipping and duty charges when ordering from the US.

It is so important to support our local shops (and no, I don’t own or work in one). These places have a hard time competing economically with the big chains. They have to do what they do in large part out of love. If we don’t support them, they will disappear and then our lives will be poorer. Amy’s is a wonderful site and I refer all my new knitting friends to it. Her videos really reenforce what the teacher teaches, and answer the questions the come up when you are out on your own and they are good for those of us who already have our courage up. But a beginner needs personal hands-on instruction, help and encouragement.

So glad you had such a great experience. A new LYS opened here several months ago and I just love going in there. Catherine, I totally agree with you, we do need to support our local shops as much as we can. There are not enough “mom and pop” places around for personal attention…and isn’t it nice when the owners recognize you when you walk into their store.

I had a similar experience when I found a newly opened LYS in the town in which I work! They even encourage people to just bring in whatever they are working on and sit and knit – no purchase or class needed! When I decided to try a couple projects that required circular needles, I went there and took their recommendation about needles, and I also purchased a book. I though the same thing: I’d rather pay a few dollars more and support the LYS.


I have totally become a LYS snob… For me it’s not only the selection of quality 100% natural yarns available, but the fact that the women running the store can offer help and suggestions. When was the last time the person in walmart or michael’s knew enough about your project to answer a question?? I certainly will go into these “department” type stores if there is an emergency, and I don’t mean to diss micheal’s because I generally love that store for other crafty things (I hate walmart with a passion because I think they perpetuate a poverty level society, but since this isn’t a political forum I won’t go there). The woman who runs my LYS is wonderful: if she doesn’t have something I want or need she’ll special order it and personally call when it comes in! The prices are more expensize, but are totally justified by the individual service, quality of merchandice, and overall pleasurable shopping experience. (I should be on a commercia!)

Great thread! …Man, you know I’m busy when it takes me 4 days to discover a thread like this. I swear I spent all of yesterday trying to catch up with posts, and still haven’t read the last two days! LOL. (Of course I love how busy this forum is getting. I only wish I could keep up! I may have to give up reading every post soon! :cry: boo-hoo! It doesn’t help that I’m a slow reader…)

Now what were we talking about? LOL. Oh yes, one of my favorite things! I love my LYS’s. Yay Beldaraan! That’s a great declaration!!! I’m with you sista! Let’s support these great little shops. Stores like this dissappear if we don’t support them. They have the best selection around, and will usually special order if they don’t have what you want. They are more pricey than Michaels, but mostly that’s because of the quality of yarn they carry, which is so much nicer to work with. And think of it as paying a little bit extra for all their friendly help (compare to the price of knitting classes!) and the wonderful environment that really makes you want to knit. And of course it’s also supporting a locally-owned business. SOOOOO important! And it’s just so nice and inspiring to go into one of these stores!

Hildegaard, I like it when you “go there.” I’ll follow you for a paragraph! I think we all need to pay attention to where we spend our money! When we spend money, we are voting for the businesses and practices we want to see in our world. We get what we pay for! It’s not easy to know the details, like what kind of business practices a company has, and whether you should support it or not. That’s why I love Co-op America, which helps you find worthwhile businesses to support. They also keep an up-to-date boycott section. It sounds extreme, but sometimes that’s the only way to convince a big company to change their exploitive ways. It does work. Like the Nike boycotts, which did make a difference in that company’s practices. I often refer to Co-op America’s “Green Pages” directory when looking for something to buy.


As much as some of us would like to support a [color=blue][size=6]nice[/size][/color] LYS, some of us simply can’t afford it or just don’t have access to any. :cry: And the price difference between the chains and the LYS’s are a lot more than a “few” dollars around these parts (MD).

I’ve been to one of the LYS’s in my area and received nothing but “Nose in Air” treatment from them! Bunch of snobs! :x I did not revisit them. Then I went to another MD LYS in a different part of town and was condescended for my troubles. So in my experience with LYS’s, I’m left wondering … why should I pay the massive extra money to support them and their exclusive, condescending ways?

ekgheiy, I get what you’re saying; I have one LYS that I don’t go to for that reason. But my other two are great! It’s worth checking them out, at least, most of them are really wonderful!


ekgheiy where in MD are you? I grew up in Baltimore County, and there is a WONDERFUL little yarn shop in Fells Point… I went there this past summer when I was visiting my mom, and I had some yarn questions… I went in, and the woman was so nice and helpful, the prices weren’t too expensive, condidering it was Fell Point and all (more expensive then my LYS in boondock illinois, though)… the best part is that mom anbd I could go in a talk yarn stuffand my husband could go talk man stuff (drink beer) on broadway. Anyway, if you’re near that area check it out, I think it’s on AliceAnna street.

I’m not too far from Fells Point. I’ve heard about that shop (I think it’s called A Good Yarn). That’s the next shop I plan to try, but I’m still “taking my deep breaths” after my experience with the first two. :wink: There’s also a shop in Owings Mills. I’m not familiar with Owings Mills, but I’ll try that shop when I’m feeling road-dogg adventurous … :lol:


Glad your going to give it another try. Good customer service is always a must! :smiley:

Yes a good yarn! that’s it… they are great.