Morehouse Farm Dragon/Alligatorttern?

Has anyone purchased this pattern? I’m a new knitter and don’t want to pay for a pattern unless I know I have the skills needed to do it. I can purl, knit, do increases and decreases, and have a little knowledge of blocking. [B]Are these easy patterns?[/B]:shrug:

[CENTER]Dragon Scarf
Alligator Scarf[/CENTER]

By “a little knowledge of blocking” I mean that I have heard of it but never attempted it (:

Sorry, don’t know what happened to the title =\

I have the Alligator pattern (kit) and it is really cute! I haven’t made it yet but the pattern looks really well written. It has a stitch count at the end of every row (so you can make sure you haven’t made a mistake). Nothing more complicated than Knit, Purl and de/increase. My only complaint is that you can’t buy just the pattern and the kit is kinda pricey. Goo luck!

Thanks so much! This is exactly the info I was looking for :slight_smile: Good luck on yours, too. And I agree, the kit is pretty pricey. =\

I started the Alligator and had to rip it back to the back of the head. The body where the scales are is tough, at least for me. I’m going to have to read the direction a few more times. I might actually get what they are telling me!

I am almost finished with the baby gator version (still pricey but less so than the ful size gator). I found that once I got through the repeat for the scales a couple of times it was really easy…and just so gosh darn cute!!! Have fun!

There is a free dragon scarf online my son loves his scarf

scroll down for link

I have this pattern. I agree, it is pricey but incredibly fun. Most of the cost is for the yarn… I believe it is wool… I love the pattern and have already started the head for my alligator scarf. I have the dragon scarf pattern too, but don’t have the needles as of yet for those.

I was unimpressed with the way they packaged the pattern though for each scarf. I was expecting something that would last and stand up to the average person (someone who might have a snack or a drink while knitting or whatever - Stuff happens). However, the ‘booklet’ that comes with the yarn is merely a printout and should’ve at least have been laminated or something. I’m glad I’m careful with my patterns or else the paper pattern that came with this kit could easily be spilled on or ripped or who knows what else.

I would suggest bamboo needles for this as the yarn stays on the needles and can fly off just as easily once you get the hang of the pattern. Hope you have fun with it.

I’ve made the dragon in 2 sizes. I thought the kit was over priced. Now, I’ve made it again making it bigger, and though you do have to follow the directions, it came out great. It consists of knitting, 3 needle bind off. Believe me, take your time and go one line at a time, and it works out great.

I agree the pattern could have at least been in plastic, or a bit more professional. The yarn was a bit overpriced, and the tassel of white didn’t look good. I bought some embrodiery floss in red, orange, color to look like fire, the white didn’t look right.

My brother ordered the pattern for me, but it didn’t arrived :frowning: we contacted them and they said that they gave the money back and apologised for the inconvenience but I don’t want the money i want my pattern… I don’t know what to do… i want to do it!..
I feel so dissapointed…

I like this scarf more, dragon has more character. Plus you don’t have but a expensive pack.