More Big Girl Knits: Hot Cocoa Jacket

Hi all: I’m new to this forum. Has anyone knitted the Hot Cocoa Jacket in “More Big Girl Knits” by Jillian Moreno & Amy Singer? I’ve started over twice with the beginning piece (back). The middle rice stitch is coming out fine, and I can see a little of the right slant, but the left slant is not showing up at all. I’m feeling very frustrated.
I’ve done extensive search on google, but have not found any errata for this pattern. (none at the Crown publishing website).

I’ve been knitting for a few years, but my apparel skills are still developing. This pattern is not specific in some areas, simply stating “work in pattern”. I studied the various pattern stitches, and used them all in my gauge swatch.

The pattern begins with a set up row, and then says to work 3 rows in pattern. The pattern stitches have 6 rows to complete. After only the first 4 rows, the pattern calls for a decrease row, which begins the 6 row pattern over.

It seems to me that the decrease row throws off the slant pattern. Perhaps there’s an assumption than an experienced knitter knows how to accommodate this, and my knowledge is limited. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :slight_smile:

The directions to continue in pattern are fairly standard and often used in patterns. They mean that you should continue in the pattern rows you have been doing.
The rice stitch is straight, alternating k1p1 rows with knit rows so it may be that the decrease will offset the pattern and give you the slant that you’re looking for.
There is a picture of the pattern on Ravelry.

Hi, Salmonmac! Thanks for responding. Yes, I understood to continue in pattern as laid out. There’s no problem with the rice stitch, as it’s in the middle, and not subject to the decrease.

I have the picture from Ravelry, and tried to upload it, but it didn’t work. I found no helpful info about the pattern there, however.

My issue is with the first of the 3 sections (the "left slant stitch pattern). In the first row of each 6 row repeat, the first stitch of the pattern is preceded by a k2tog decrease. I believe this throws off the slant pattern, and I’m uncertain how to accommodate for this.

In the middle section of the rice stitch this is not an issue, nor in the last section of the “right slant stitch”, since the decrease is done after the pattern is completed.

I also don’t understand why the decreases began before the 6 row pattern was completed.

Do you have access to this pattern?

Try the pattern with some scrap yarn just to see what happens to the slant pattern on the left side when you decrease. Just about 6-8 sts for the left side and the same for the middle section (if you haven’t tried it already).
Unfortunately, I don’t have the pattern but I can see the slanted areas in the jacket. Can you post just these initial lines of the pattern including the decreases?

When you dec a st at the beg of a pattern repeat, then you’d work the pattern row beginning with the 3rd st of it instead of the first. On following rows, begin it with the 5th st in; you lose a st on the first row, but the k2tog uses the 2nd st. Then on the next row, the dec will use up the 3rd and 5th st as well.

And you know that you continue from the row where you are in the whole thing…? So if you finished row 2 of the pattern repeat before the dec row, you would work the rest of row 3 for that instead of starting again with row 1.

In this pattern there are 7 repeats of a 6-row pattern. There’s a decrease (k2tog) at the beginning of row 1 in each pattern.

Do I understand correctly that your instructions are to begin the pattern at the 3rd stitch in after the decrease, and then ? …on the second row of the RS 6-row pattern, would I start on the 2nd stitch - since the decrease was stitch one…and the same for the 3rd RS pattern row.

Your description sounds as if there’s a decrease on each row of the 6-row pattern, which is not the case.

Thanks so much for helping me with this!!

You wrote

After only the first 4 rows, the pattern calls for a decrease row, which begins the 6 row pattern over.

If you’re to dec on every 4th row, you have 3 rows in the pattern that are only missing a st at both ends, so the RS row you begin the pattern with stitch 3 (after the dec), and on the WS row, with stitch 2. Then work 3 rows in this new pattern and you have another dec row. So on the RS row begin the pattern with st 5 after the dec, and the WS row begins with st 4 and do another 4 rows that way.

You say it’s a 6 row pattern repeat, but you begin the repeat over after the dec row on row 4 of the stitch pattern? That doesn’t sound right - do the decs on rows 4, then the next row is 5, then 6, [I]then[/I] begin the 6 row repeat again and the next dec row will be row 2.

It would help us figure this out better though, if you could post both the 6 row st pattern and exactly how the instructions are worded for doing the decs.

Hi again Suzeeq. :slight_smile: I tried to scan from pattern book, but it didn’t work, so here’s the typed instructions (I double, triple checked my typing):


Left Slant Stitch:
Row 1 (RS) *P1, (K1tbl) twice, repeat from * to end.
Even-Numbered Rows 2, 4, and 6 (WS) Knit all stitches.
Row 3 (RS) *K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, repeat from * to end.
Row 5 (RS) *K2 tbl, p1, repeat from * to end.

Right Slant Stitch:
Row 1 (RS) * K2, p1 tbl, repeat from * to end.
Even-Numbered Rows 2, 4, and 6 (WS) (Kc tbl) to end.
Row 3 (RS) *K1, p1 tbl, k1, repeat from * to end.
Row 5 (RS) *P1 tbl, k2, repeat from * to end.

Cast on (for size 2X) 147 stitches.
Set-up Row (RS) K1, work 45 stitches in Left Slant Stitch, place marker, work 55 stitches in Rice Stitch, place marker, work 45 stitches in Right Slant stitch, k1.
Work 3 rows in pattern as set, working edge stitches in stockinette stitch.

Waist shaping
Decrease Row (RS) K1, k2tog, work in pattern to last 3 stitches, ssk, k1
Work 5 rows in pattern
Repeat these 6 rows 7 times more, then work Decrease Row once more – 129 stitches

Hope this helps you to help me. Thanks a million!

Thanks, that helps.

Okay, so you do the dec 1 st in from the edge, so when you do them you’ll be starting on stitch 4 after the first dec, the first and last sts are done in st st and that’s not shown in the R/L slant st pattern. The dec rows are done every 6th row so you work them on the same pattern row every time but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be row 1. The first dec row will be Row 5 of the pattern and all the following ones will be on R 5 as well. So that means it’s going to be this the first time -

K1, k2tog, *K2 tbl, p1, repeat from * to end, then will end with *K2 tbl, p1, k2tog k1. The WS rows are purl so you don’t need to do any thing. Then when you do R 1, you have to compensate for the lost st, so it will be k1, P1, (K1tbl) twice, repeat, and will end with K3.

And so forth.

ok Suzeeq…I’ve read your instructions several times. It seems to me the pivotal point you make is that[B] " The first dec row will be Row 5 of the pattern and all the following ones will be on R 5 as well."[/B]

It certainly would have helped if the pattern had stated this. I assumed the decrease row was row 1 of the pattern.

I understood the instructions to indicate a first and last stitch of K1 for [B]every row [/B]of the entire back. [B]Is this incorrect?[/B] In a sense, if I understand your instructions correctly, there will be a K1 at the beginning of each row to compensate for the lost stitch? Will the next pattern repeat begin with K2 to compensate for 2 stitch decreases?
Perhaps this pattern is too advanced for me…but I’d really like to understand, if possible. Thanks again.

It sort of does say that, just using different language; I’ve highlighted the clues below -
"[I]Cast on[/I] (for size 2X) 147 stitches.
[I]Set-up Row (RS)[/I] K1, work 45 stitches in Left Slant Stitch, place marker, work 55 stitches in Rice Stitch, place marker, work 45 stitches in Right Slant stitch, k1.
[I]Work 3 rows in pattern[/I] as set, working edge stitches in stockinette stitch.
Waist shaping: [I]Decrease Row (RS)[/I] K1, k2tog, work in pattern to last 3 stitches, ssk, k1
[I]Work 5 rows[/I] in pattern"

Cast on, work the setup/first row, then 3 rows in pattern. So that means you’ve done 4 rows, then it goes to the dec row which follows that it’ll be row 5. After the dec row you do 5 more rows, then dec again on the next row. Since it’s a 6 row pattern and the decs are every 6th row, they’re all going to fall on the same pattern row.

The first and last sts of the RS rows are knit, but will be purled on the WS rows, which they’re supposed to be anyway. So ignore the first st on the odd number pattern rows on the beg and end of the rows and knit them. Even after you dec, continue to knit the first and last sts on the RS rows anyway.

I’m sorry, but the 6th row of the pattern is a wrong side row…???..which is Not a purl row, but specifically stated as:

Left Slant Stitch:
Row 1 (RS) *P1, (K1tbl) twice, repeat from * to end.
[B]Even-Numbered Rows 2, 4, and 6 (WS) Knit all stitches.[/B]
Right Slant Stitch:
Row 1 (RS) * K2, p1 tbl, repeat from * to end.
[B]Even-Numbered Rows 2, 4, and 6 (WS) (Kc tbl) to end.[/B]

I must be extremely dense…sorry, but I just don’t follow

again…I’ve read through your last post again and also the pattern. Yes, I can see how it works out for the decrease row to be row 5.


So…the 7 repeats all have a decrease in row 5, right?

You do see, however, that the right side is the odd numbered rows, and the wrong side is knitted?

Yes, they’ll all be in row 5. They go like this -

dec on R 5
row 6
row 1
row 2
row 3
row 4 (that’s working 5 rows)
dec row 5, etc.

Sorry misread the the WS/even rows, yes, they’re all knit except purl the first and last sts to keep those edges in stockinette. This will make seaming them together a little easier.

Suzeeq - you’re the Best! :cheering:

Thanks so very much for all your assistance. I can’t believe you’re there for me on Sunday even!

I’ve started the pattern once again - third try. Wish me luck!
