Mmmmm on Monday

I am so :woot: :cheering: :woohoo: because my first mmmmalabrigo is scheduled to arrive on Monday. It is Indigo and I am going to knit the Rainy Day scarf. It is coming by UPS so I’ll be on the lookout for our cute UPS guy.
:woohoo: :cheering: :woot:

Who did you get yours from? I ordered some from Sandrasingh. Then I found out about the Personal Threads sale. They had Lime Blue which I have wanted for AGES, but I made myself use self restraint and they sold out of it before I could be irresponsible. I got word that mine shipped out Monday, but the USPS tracking number still isn’t working :frowning:

Malabrigo is like a drug for me. I love all kinds of yarn, and there are other yarns that I like as much, but none give me the satisfaction of mmmm on sale. I could even have nicer colors if I would pay full price! But it has to be ridiculously discounted to give me the rush.

Congratulations on your first Malabrigo! You will be :inlove:


I am excited for you!!!

I ordered from Yarnzilla before I heard about the sale but I got the color I wanted so I am happy.

I just ordered Malabrigo for the first time. I meant to only get one just to see what the fuss was about, but I ended up ordering 4 different colors:teehee: . Woops. They were just soooo beautiful. And on sale:happydance: , how could I pass it up?

Even the[I] ugly[/I] UPS guy can deliver my Mmmmmalabrigo!:teehee:

lol i am so glad that i was able to get to the store before someone announced the sale. And to think I was considering not going. :wink:

How funny. I had to drive to the grocery store today and was smart and grabbed a pair of mittens. I made them for my oldest dd who has longer hands than me, so they were floppy on the ends. As I was driving I kept getting frustrated with them. I was thinking how I liked the cables but wanted fingerless mittens for driving (and doing other work) and the next thing I knew I was pulling into the LYS and buying yarn. I’ve got Fetching cast on in a lovely Emerald Malabrigo. They are going to be SO comfy once I get them done.