missing line in pattern - sirdar 8485 1st page of pattern below measurements

can anyone help me pls, when i downloaded the aran with 20% wool hayfield sirdar 8485 pattern the bottom line on pattern page 1 hasn’t downloaded clearly. i have: Work 7(7:7:9:9:9) rows more in rib. and then the next line is not decipherable - can anyone help pls
also missing but think i can make out - same line in the next column starts 6th row(in bold) Patt 12(16:20:26:30:36) and think it says **k2 p2 k2 p6 k2 p2 k2 p16 k2 (but the 2’s could be 3’s??)

saving me from having to purchase pattern again :slight_smile: i stupidly didn’t save the pattern before printing and don’t know who i brought pattern from to ask them - lesson learnt! thank you in advance as can’t now proceed

You might send photos of the pattern to Sirdar and explain that you can’t read the last lines. They may be happy to send the pattern or fill in the lines. Is it only page 1 or is there a problem on all the pages?
You might also be able to figure out the missing row from the directions for the fronts since the fronts and back are similar. As for row 6 the fronts may help here or you may be able to see the pattern enough to fill in the missing numbers.


thanks for your suggestion. i will have to contact sirdar as you suggested because the missing row is referred to as M1 and this is what is referred to on the front section -so will remember this going forward for any future issues; and the next column is different to the front too

bw and happy new year to you

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i contacted sirdar and they were very helpful in supplying me with the pattern with missing lines
however when i printed it off again to papercopy the lines are still missing, but i have saved pattern so have resorted to pen -


It might be that the pattern should be printed on A4 paper which is longer than the US standard letter? Glad you’ve sorted it out and that Sirdar was so helpful.

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Or the margin setting on your printer is cutting off what you see on screen. You could check the printer settings and margins and look at print preview.
If those don’t work uou could try printing st something like 90% scale instead of 100%.

Glad you got a reply and they were helpful. At least you can see the pattern.


thank you both, will give it all a try

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