Messed up stitch - need help!
Welcome to the forum and to knitting!
Your knitting looks lovely and even. Good going.
It’s probably easiest to fix the second stitch from the tip of the left hand needle. Slip the first stitch on the left hand needle to the right hand needle. We can figure that one out later. Use a crochet hook or the right hand needle to pull the extra loop from front to back through the stitch on the left hand needle. Let the old stitch slip off the needle and place the loop that you pulled through on the needle.
That should fix one stitch. Would you then post 2 photos of your knitting, one from the front and one from the back?
One question: Did you knit every row for the hat or are you alternating knit one row, purl one row?
I am using the knit stitch on every row. That fixed the first stitch! Amazing! I attached new pictures of the back (the front isn’t uploading, but I’m trying to get it posted) image|900x1200
It’s a bit difficult for me to tell but seeing the front side may help. You’ve certainly incorporated the hanging loop.
It looks like a double stitch on the right hand needle. There’s a line of sts to the left of it and to the right. It looks like you can drop those two loops off the needle if you don’t see a line of sts coming down from them. Count your sts to see if you have the number that you should to check if these are indeed extra sts. If not you can probably knit the two together.
If you’re not sure, you can always tink back a row to fix this.
Thanks to you I fixed it up! You have been SO much help! Thank you thank you!!!