Messed up AGAIN... need help!

Ok, I’m about thisclose to tears from working on this baby blanket. Last night I spent all night fixing the boo-boos I made earlier, and just when I thought everything was fixed, I continued knitting, and I messed up again! I don’t know what I did, but long story short, I ended up unraveling the whole thing out of frustration, but before I got to the very end I realized I could squeeze my needle back in there because the loops were all still intact. So I did that this morning, and when I got the needle all the way through, at the end of the row, somehow this happened. The working yarn is on the second loop instead of the first and I’m not sure how to fix it. Any ideas? Can I just slip that first stitch over to the right needle and continue knitting as usual, or will it end up being too loose? Help!

Hold the needle with the sts in your right hand. Slip the end st onto another needle held in your left hand. Now pretend you are almost at the end of the row and just have to knit that one st on the left hand needle. And there you are, all the sts on the right hand needle and the working yarn at the needle tip!

:doh: Omg, of course! Don’t I feel silly. :aww: I’ve definitely made that mistake before and have been able to figure it out, but I was too devastated to think clearly here. Lol. Thanks!

Breathe instead of panic. It’s only knitting…

I think this blanket is intimidating you. You might consider trying a smaller scale project in the same pattern. You might consider some cotton yarn that would make a wash cloth or dish cloth. The pattern is the same only on a smaller scale and a perfect finished product isn’t critical, it’s easier to redo something smaller, and once you’ve gotten the hang of it you can go on to your beautiful blanket with a bit more confidence.

You can do it, I’m certain. You just need to figure out the best way to set yourself up for success.

Here’s a free pattern I found.

Thats a good idea GG and I feel your pain Chixdilla.

I’ve tried 3 times in the last week to start knitting a blanket with this boucle mohair I have. Arrghh the frustration, its my first time using circulars, the first pattern wasnt going to show up with the boucle wool Im using I frogged it. The second pattern with a wavy blanket stitch pattern looked more promising. After casting on 123 stitches I got 10 rows in realised I had picked up an extra stitch along the way, I didnt want to knit back, it was only the garter stitch border and I was happy for more practice with the needles so I ripped it. Starting again I got 15 rows in and again had picked up an extra stitch. I made the hard decision (Im a perfectionist) just to decrease hoping the wool type would hide the error but then I messed up the next row in the pattern with too many purls or knits, I dont know. I let out a despairing groan, frogged the blanket and tossed wool in the corner and thats where its going to stay until I am more confident with the new needles. Now Im looking for a new project on my more forgiving 8ply polyester practice yarn to ease the pain. Knitting with the boucle, first go at circulars, first project with large amount of stitches, too much for this little duck. :passedout:

Good for you, Mrs. Pilgrim!.:cheering: [I][B]Saying, “Not yet,” is not giving up![/B][/I] You’ll get there, I’d bet on it. I only use the acrylic yarns and cotton and cotton blend yarns. Wool won’t work for me, my GKs are allergic to it. If I wear it, I can’t hug them.:grphug:

Lol, thanks for the encouragement GG, I will get back to it, just need something to get my hopes up again. I think Ive finally found the project I want to knit. The feedback is very positive on this pullover, I’ve read the pattern and as long as I let go and trust it I should be fine, the pattern is very detailed and appears to cover all bases. My only worrisome point is the sizing, Im a size 20 but my bust size is a couple of inches larger than the max size 24 measurments, Im just hoping it wont be too tentish at the hips. Im assuming I’ll just have to try it on as I go and try to decrease some rows if it is maybe my size 20 is the designers size 24. I also have 8ply yarn not 10ply, I have the recommended 6mm needles and Im not keen on buying more needles unless I have too. Hmm will try the swatch I guess and take it from there, I am rather excited. :woohoo:

Ah, MrsP I can sympathize on the bust dilemma, I just made a pullover and learned about short row darts. Patterns aren’t wrtten to accommodate us busty gals. I don’t see how to use them in this pattern or I would suggest a self-inflicted crash course.

Cool sweater and I hope it goes smoothly for you.

Yep, I’m going to jump right in there, just about to cast on for the swatch.

Ahh darts are going to be fun when I get to that stage, are there any videos on how to do them, the only ones I can find on google are costly tutorials.

Look under the Free Videos tab at the top of this page, Advanced Techs, Short Rows. It’s a great way to shape sweaters at the bust.

Thanks for the advice, GrumpyGramma (haha, funny name!), but I’m committed to this blanket now, even though I did bite off a little more than I could chew (first time on circulars and first project with lots of stitches-- I do love the circulars though!). My cousin’s baby will be here in a few weeks, and I’m DETERMINED to give it to her (even if I end up looking like this :zombie:)! I think the reason I freaked out about it so much is because I knew I would be giving it to her so I wanted it to be absolutely perfect. But after the other night’s disaster, I’ve learned not to worry about the imperfections, because she won’t care whether the blanket is perfect or not, she’ll love it anyway because I made it with love. :heart: I worked really hard on it yesterday and I’ve gotten back to where I was before I had to unravel so the damage really wasn’t too bad. I’m finding it’s easier to work on it now if I really concentrate on it. After I’m done with it (:pray:) , I’ll go back to my placemats and maybe work on those dishcloths you suggested. I could use lots more of those! Haha.

Good for you! You’re making progress in lots of ways on this blanket and you’re right, your cousin will love it. And be assured, both your cousin and especially the baby will ignore any imperfections.

Thankyou Salmonmac, I’ll have a look at that now.

Praying everything goes smoothly from here Chixdilla, :pray: make sure you enjoy the journey too be sure to keep us up to date on your project. :knitting:

Chixdilla, a friend of mine always deliberately worked a teeny tiny error in every project, even those given as a gift. She felt it truly made each item one of a kind. That said, I agree your cousin will adore the blanket, as filled with love as it already is.

And you may find that a distraction project, like that dishcloth, worked on when the blanket drives you bonkers may be enough to let you go back to the blanket with a fresh mind… working something I don’t have to think that much about is my favorite way to get through a challenging new technique or project.

Good luck and happy knitting!

Why, thank you. :hug: Here’s a pic of what I’ve got so far. I’ve done 3 whole basket rows! :woohoo: I’m definitely enjoying it now as opposed to panicking about it. It’s gotten a lot easier as I’ve gone along. I can’t wait to finish it and post a pic of my first FO!

Beautiful! You inspire me, I need to make a blanket like that.

Thats looking smashing Chixdilla! :cheering:

I’ve learned not to worry about the imperfections, because she won’t care whether the blanket is perfect or not, she’ll love it anyway because I made it with love. I
