May 2019 Whatcha' Knitting?

Ah, spring! or fall, depending on where on the globe you are. Changeable weather and a refresh after the rigors of the last season.
What’s on your needles or hooks? We love to see photos.

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Socks, socks and more socks. I am on my sixth pair this year using yarn I already have. Attached is my last completed pair. It is mainly Knitpicks Stroll. No pattern. 84 stitches on size 0 DPN. Men’s size 12.5 - the largest I have ever knit!

Just figuring out your website - so hopefully I didn’t screw up!!

Welcome! It’s a delight to see such gorgeous socks. Very nicely done.

I’ve got a “baby blanket” going with cotton multicolored yarn. I say baby blanket in quotes because while it’s for a baby, it’s gonna be about 4’ by 4’. :slight_smile: It’s my first time working a project in Andalusian stitch (well actually it’s technically double andalusian stitch according to my stitch dictionary) and it’s really fun to work because it’s just interesting enough enough to be engaging but goes really quickly and smoothly. The texture it creates from such a simple combination of k and p fascinates me. At first I wasn’t sure about the interaction of the self-striping yarn and the stitch pattern but I’ve grown to accept it…

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Oh, I think that combination worked out really well. It’s a beautiful baby blanket and a treasure!

My first pair of socks.
Patons Jacquard & Stripe Socks in Sweet Stripes
Thoughts/revelations so far:

  1. I worked with DPNs once before, and have since gotten a little more experience with different types of knitting. I’ve decided this is awkward.
  2. The pattern says to match socks by starting at the same point in the yarn colour scheme. I didn’t plan this well, as after I started the first one, I realized that to match the second exactly would require pulling off a great amount of yarn from the second ball. Oh well.
  3. This is also my first ribbing project. I am glad it’s only the cuff. I am an english knitter, and ribbing is tedious.
  4. I read the whole pattern and got kind of lost when they start labelling needles as 1st, 2nd, etc. (for the heel). Hopefully, it will all become clear when I get there.

What a pretty color scheme! Thanks for the source.
Sometimes patterns do seem confusing on first read through and yes, when you actually have sts on the needles, those instructions often make more sense. Enjoy working the socks and let us see the finished pair.

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This little sweater is for a friend’s expected boy. It’s called Get Ziggy and is knit in a very soft yarn called Schachenmayr Merino Extrafine 85.


Just following up on this old post…

I did finish them. They ended up a little bigger than expected. One skein was broken in the middle, so the stripes wouldn’t match anyway, no biggie. I ran out of yarn and had to buy more to finish a toe.

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Fraternal twin socks! They look terrific.