Hello, new here and relatively new to knitting. I’ve progressed to a jumper and have managed the front and back without too much trauma. The sleeves however have scared me to the point of giving up. I have attched my progress on the sleeves to date which is up to row 9 of the pattern, I have increased one stitch at each end of row 5 and managed to get to row 9, an all knit row increasing one at each end as it is the next row 4 after the first 5, still following? without incident. I knitted row 10 and realised immediately that there was a problem as the pattern now doesn’t seem to work, and that is where I am stuck, increasing at the end of every following 4th row after the first 5th row increase has stumped as to how to stay in pattern, I currently have 60 stitches on my needle after the 9th row. I may have bitten off more than I can chew.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. The attached images show the sleeve so far, pic of finished item, and the two parts of the pattern needed for sleeves. I am making the largest size.
Marriner 001 - completely lost on sleeves and increases in pattern
Don’t despair!
You haven’t bitten off more than you can chew (proven by having completed the front and back, that’s most of the project done!), you just need to take smaller bites through this part which is a little trickier.
The first thing is you may have worked rows 6 to 9 incorrectly and will need to check that first. Row 5 had the increase stitch so should be fine but row 6 you should have a new stitch and THEN the row as given and another new stitch at the end. If you followed row 6 without taking into account the new stitch your stitches will now be out of line and you won’t have continuity of pattern.
So first check that, think about what you did and look at the knitting (reading the fabric), are the knits and purls sitting above each other where they should be in the same way they did for the back and front pattern, or out of line?
Here is a video on now to undo stitch by stitch if you need to undo the last few rows. Of course it’s also possible to pull the rows out more quickly (put in a life line and undo 4 rows in one go then pick up the stitches again) but if it was me I’d go slow and steady to ensure I got back to row 5 in one piece and didn’t lose any stitches.
Once you have checked the previous rows you can tackle the next part which could be as simple as putting in a stitch marker or piece of yarn to mark up the beginning and end of the row BEFORE the increases so that you can work an increase and then follow the row. Eg in row 6 you would have a new stitch then a marker then the beginning of row 6 as given.
In addition to this you can think about what to do with those new stitches and how they add into the pattern.
You can get help with this.
You can definitely do it. It’s just knits and purls just like before, just go a bit slower one stitch at a time to keep the pattern in line.
Let us know where you’re up to once you’ve checked the rows. There’s lots of help here and you can ask as much as you need to complete this project.
Thanks so much for the reply, I’ve checked 6 to 9 and they are ok, I accounted for the extra stitch at each end of row 5, row 9 is an all knit row so an increase knit stitch at each end. So on to row 10, if I’m reading your reply right I now have 2 additional stitches at each end following the increases in rows 5 and 9. So starting at stitch 3 I go into the pattern which is 56 stitches plus the two additionals at each end, its just what to do with the 2 new ones at each end, I guess I just have to figure that out as I go, is that right? Thank you
so this is how I’ve gone about it, I’m an analyst so a ‘nerd’ knitter if you like. I’ve created a spreadsheet
I thik you’ve already figured this out in your spreadsheet but let’s just check.
There is a repeat pattern which goes right across the row.
The easier end to work out first is the right edge because we read from left to right and find things more logical this way.
So let’s say row 5 but with an extra stitch each end. The pattern is p2, k2, p2, k12. At the end of the row, the right edge, it ends on p2,k2 so what comes next in the pattern, its p2 therefore a single new stitch will be a p1. But when you have more than one new stitch it will be a p2, and any more than 2 will be part of the k12 grouping.
Once you work out the end it’s easier to work out what comes at the beginning of the row.
On row 5 what would come, in pattern Before the row begins, its another purl 2. So a single stitch either end is a purl.
As more stitches are added the extra repeat of the same pattern begins to emerge.
I suggest placing a marker before your original first stitch and after your original last stitch. No matter which row you are on the stitches between those markers remain in the written pattern. As you reach a marker you will be able to check, are you still repeating correctly and keeping the pattern alignment.
If you don’t have markers you can make a small knotted loop of yarn to slip onto your needle, or a safety pin.