Marlybird Shawl

I am trying to finish up my wips- I finished a shawl today and I have this one on the needles. I am not at the bind of quite yet, but I hope to be soon. Can someone please explain to me how I do this cast off- I just don’t understand from the instructions (a video would be helpful- but I don’t even know how to search for a video with this type of cast off!) Thanks so much!

It’s an applied border. If you follow the instruction exactly as written it produces a short piece of kniting perpendicular to the shawl and uses 1 stitch from your shawl edge on each right side row (then you turn the work like its the end of a row and work row 2).
I’m not sure this is the best video, the stitch count is different, 5 instead of 3, and the joining stitch is different, ssk rather than yours which is k2tog. But it might give you an idea of how the edging works up.

I use this video quite a bit for an applied i-cord. It’s from Marly Bird