Manila, Philippines?

Does anyone live in Manila? Anyone at all?

Or at least in South East Asia?

Everyone on the site seems to live in the States!

Hi, I signed up today! I’ve just posted a short intro about me…

There really aren’t that many knitters from the Philippines… the only knitter I know is my friend, whom I taught to knit. I posted at the Pinoyexchange forum but only got only reply from someone who knits bikinis.

Glad to find you here…

im not from there, but i m hoping to go back there in march for a visit, then i go up to the bataans. i liked it there.

[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4]glad to see there are filipino knitters. i thought i was the only one. just out of curiosity, are there any good yarn shops there in manila?[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]