Making custom pattern. Help adding edging to eyelet pattern while knitting please!

Hi everyone. I am a fairly new knitter. I want to make a scarf with this simple eyelet pattern, but I also want to add a simple edging as well while I’m knitting (instead of picking up after). Something fairly uncomplicated that I can work into the existing pattern would be very helpful. I need it to be knit, crochet is not an option for me at this time.

Any hints or ideas? My purpose is to make a pretty edging, but also to help it not curl.


Here is the eyelet stitch I am using

You could start each row with a yo. Have the yarn in front when you knit the first stitch and it will create a loop for the edge stitch. I’d suggest adding a one-stitch garter stitch edge (knit every row) on each side of the scarf to keep the two edges looking the same.

It will increase your stitch number, though, so starting on row 3, yo, work across the row and knit the last two stitches together. Keep going in this manner.

You might also look at a seed stitch edging over about 4-6sts on each edge (depending on how wide the scarf is). It will lie flat and I think, complement the eyelet pattern in your scarf.