Making an Increase for Booties (what type is this?)

I’m working on knit baby booties (Too Cute from a Leisure Arts little book). This pattern is for straight needles, no DPNs. The increase is a bit confusing for me as they state in the pattern:
"To increase, knit into the front AND into the back of the next st"
Is this a M1F?

At the beginning of the booklet, they explain it a bit more detailed, but I’m having difficulty duplicating the method:
"Insert the right needle into stitch as if to knit, yarn over and pull loop through, insert left needle into loop just worked from front to back and slip onto left needle."
Is this the same method, a M1F? I followed it to the letter, I thought anyway, and it just doesn’t look right! This is for the heel I realize, but it looks too stretched.

Do you recognize this process, and is it named something else? Amy has some great vids on increases, but there are so many I’m not sure which one this is equivalent to. Thanks for any direction you can provide!

Generally, knit into front and back of the stitch is the “bar increase” from Amy’s videos. I think that’s the first thing I’d try.

Happy Knitting!


Amy lists it first as a Bar increase, then says it’s AKA kfb. It’s on the right side of the increase page, about 2/3 of the way down, across from the fifth diamond shape in the knitted sample.

@krazy4kats & MaryS: :hug:
It’s so much easier when I see these things done, than it is try to “imagine” what to do. Thank you for pointing me to the correct increase type, no wonder my stitches looked horrible, what I was doing was completely different!
Your support of us new knitters is certainly appreciated, especially when you probably answer the same questions over and over again.
-Lisa :slight_smile: