Make one stitch

I have a two-part question. I am still pretty new to knitting, and I am making pair of convertible mittens. The instructions for the increases for the thumb say to “m1.” I know that means to make one stitch using a backward loop, but if the pattern doesn’t specify, does that mean make one “away” or make one “toward”? Does it matter? Also, I have completed one mitten, and it looks pretty good, but there are small holes where I increased using the “m1” increase. Does that always happen, or did I do something wrong?

Thanks very much!

Many patterns define terms such as m1. If they didn’t specify then it really shouldn’t make a difference.

‘Toward you’ will lean right, ‘away’ will lean left so if you’re concerned with that aspect, work the appropriate.


There are some other ways to do what is called a M1 incease. As much as I love the backward loop increase and use it all the time, I feel I should tell you about the others. :slight_smile: Sometimes one of them is better in certain cases. Amy shows how to do them in her video section on this page. She has the simple backward loop as the first M1 she shows and then goes on to the other ones. She calls the backward loop increases M1A and M1T, and the other ones M1L and M1F (two names for the same inc.) and M1R or M1B (two names again). She gives a brief explanation without having to look at the video.

To do them you lift the strand of yarn between the stitches on the L and R needles and put it on the L needle. Then if you lifted from behind, knit it in front and if you lifted from in front you knit into the back of the new stitch. You want it to twist, that closes the hole.

You might try those and see if they work better in your situation.

Thanks for all of your responses! After watching the videos for the M1L and R, I do think that might have been better for my mittens. Next time I’ll know what to do!:cheering: