Make a bobble on the WS?

I am an experienced knitter. I’ve been working on a Debbie Bliss pattern with charts. The WS is any even numbered row(rows 2, 4, 6, etc…). The RS rows are odd numbered. On the 4th (thus, WS) row I’m to make a bobble. Is that ok? I’ve been making them as if I’m working on the RS - knitting, then turning to purl, etc… I have to push them through to the front, of course, and they look fine, but…am I just not seeing something?

The directions:
“When working from charts, odd rows are right side rows and read from R to L, even rows are wrong side rows and read from L to R.” And as I said, the bobble is in the 4th row.

Welcome to the forum!
What is the name of your pattern?
That is an interesting and unusual way to make a bobble. It may be that the designer wants you to have one side of pattern on the bobble pushed through to the RS. I’ve certainly had to push through conventionally made bobbles that have gone to the WS instead of the RS.

Thanks for responding. It’s Debbie Bliss’s Bear Necessities Cot Blanket. It looks fine this way - I just can’t convince myself that it’s correct lol.

That’s adorable!
Moving the bobble to a RS row isn’t going to work because of the placement in the center of the squares. If you make the RS rows even and WS rows odd, you would have to change the placement of the cable cross row. I’d go with the original instructions and work the bobbles on the WS then pop them through to the RS.

Ok - I just wanted some confirmation that I wasn’t losing my mind. It’s really so cute - I made the hat which was simple, and want to make at least the teddy. It’s crochet, which I don’t do, but I’m pretty sure I can figure it out - ha! Thanks for your input!

Have you checked for errata?

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I prefer to make my bobbles on ws rows. They pop out easier and you don’t have to play with or push them . They will pop on their own. Happy knitting.