Make 1


I’m knitting the sleeves for a jumper I’m currently making and have a question about the make 1 section in my pattern. I am working in 1x1 rib stitch (for the cuffs of the sleeves). On the row in question I have to M1 at various different points. If my next stitch on my left needle is a knit or purl is there a different type of make one for both of these or can I use a knit make one for both. The reason why I ask is I’ve been using a knit make one for all up to now and small holes have been appearing I think where I’ve made one knit and my next stitch is a purl. I hope this makes sense. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

There is a Make one purl that you can use. There are two ways to do this.

I’ve started making a yarn over in the row before the M1 so that there will be a bit of extra yarn in the place where the M1 will go. This loosens it up and helps avoid holes.
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Thank you for your reply and video. What I’m trying to work out is if I’m working a 1x1 rib pattern and I have to make one somewhere in the middle should I m1 knit or purl (depending on the stitches around it and what would be the best to prevent small holes like I seem to have at the moment. Thanks again for your help.

Adding a yarn over on the previous row helps to avoid holes because it puts a small amount of extra yarn into the increase. I had to do that on a top down T-shirt pattern which increase every other row at the raglan lines.

The m1 is going to throw off the k1p1 rib at least until you get to the next increase. (You may have 2 purls or 2 knits next to each other.) Don’t let the rib pattern jog over however. Just like with the 2 same sts until the next increase.