Make 1?


I’ve started knitting the sleeve section of this jumper below. I’m fine with the first 11 rows of 1x1 rib however but confused about the next ‘make 1 section’. I understand how to make a stitch. The bit I’m confused about is if I’m doing 1x1 rib stitch and then I ‘make’ a stitch in the middle my 1x1 rib pattern is going to be now wrong. Am I correct in thinking that the pattern is such that the stitch before I make one is always a purl which would mean the make is a knit followed by a purl which keeps the pattern ? Because we knit the m1’s? Does this make any sense!! Thanks in advance!


The make 1 can be anywhere, not necessarily after a purl.
This is a transition row between the rib section and the stocking stitch section and will be barely noticable once you have completed the project because the stitch pattern changed as this point anyway.

Whilst working this row keep the rib all in line as before until you need to m1.
Work the m1 (yes you work it with a knit).
Then ignore what you just did and look at the next stitch you are about to work. If it is a knit then knit, if it is a purl, then purl. This will mean all your rib is in line along with some extra knits between.
The extra knits blend in as soon as you begin the stocking stitch in the next row.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you so much for your quick reply. Thanks for the clear explanation! I now understand. Thanks and have a nice rest of your day.

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You’re welcome, I’m glad to be able to help here and there.

Hope the rest of the project goes well for you.