Here is the sweater:
I got really confused with the neckband, partly because I can’t see what it looks like and it’s not included in her diagrams. Neckband says:
With RS facing, using a spare needle, pick up and knit 28 sts across back neck; knit across garter st edge sts from left front (there were 5 stitches on a holder for each side, and I HATE that method, because it always stretches horribly)
Row 1 (WS) K4, k to last st of garter st edge together with next stitch of back neck (WHAT?? HUH??!!)
Row 2 K5
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until all the back neck sts have been worked.
Join rem 5 sts to garter st edge of right front using 3-needle bind off.
I can’t picture this, there is no diagram, I am lost. I love this pattern but I am thinking of redoing it with an add on border. Can anybody help? Thanks so much!!