Hi all. I’m new to this forum and need help please. I am knitting on circular needles and have 3sts on each needle and the next round needs to CO4, K3, CO4, K3. and have 14sts at end of round. I’ve watched what video’s I can find but none show me how to do it. I’ve knitted 9 rows of 6sts and am now trying to shape fingers on Peppa Pig arms. Head, body and ears were simple enough but now I’m stuck. I’ve tried every way I can and although I end up with 14sts they are on both needles with a different number of stitches on the needles. I can’t figure out how to have all sts on one needle at the end of red 10. Thank you for any help you can give.
Magic loop
Welcome to the forum!
When you say you have 3 sts on each needle, does that mean 6 sts total?
If so:
Start with 6 sts
add 4 (cast on 4)
knit 3
add 4 (cast on 4)
knit 3
Why do you want all the stitches to end up on one needle? If you are using two circular needles, then you want roughly half the stitches on each, although it doesn’t matter how they are distributed.
If you are doing magic loop, then you want roughly half the stitches on each side, although again it doesn’t matter how they are distributed.
After the increase row, you should be able to distribute the stitches half on each needle/side.
Just make sure you have a beginning of round marker so you don’t lose your place.
Toys can be very fiddly but the results are worth it!
Please let us know which pattern you are using – I imagine there are a few Peppa Pig ones.
Welcome to the forum!
Just posting the pattern link. kushami has given the best advice for working these hands.
Thank you Kushami and Salmonmac for your help. I will try it and see if I have understood correctly. If I do I’ll give you a big thank you and if I haven’t then I’ll ask you to simplify for me again. And that is the pattern I’m following.
Hi both. I have tried to make the finger part again but no fingers appear. It is probably really simple but I just can’t get it. I may need a step by step instruction. Right, I have 3sts on each needle. I have working yarn on right needle. I begin by casting on 4sts to left hand needle which gives 7sts on that needle. I then knit 3 of the 4sts i have cast onto left needle which leaves 4sts. Then cast on another 4sts to left hand needle and knit 3 of those stitches. It is here i think I am not doing it right. The head,body and ears have been straightforward. I’ve spent a week on and off trying to do these arms but no matter what I try its just not happening. Thank you for hopefully helping me through this. Nick.
I have to try this on needles but you might try casting on the sts to the right hand needle using an e-loop cast on. Then knit 3sts off the left hand needle, cast 4 sts onto the right hand needle and knit the next 3 sts on the left hand needle.
ETA: That works. Also on row 13 where it says knit 3sts, the pattern is counting the stitch leftover from the bind off as one of the 3. In essence you bind off the k2.
Oh my granddaughter would love this. I’ve never made a fluffy before. Might have to give this a try
Thank you Salmonmac. I’ll try again. I bet its really simple and once I’ve got it I won’t forget. I appreciate your patience with me. Its my first go at magic loop and it was going so well up to now. The head and body was straight forward and look great. Its just these arms.
See how it goes. I was curious how the bumps for fingers formed. Turned out the two bind off sections form the side fingers and the center finger is knit for 3 rounds then gathered. I used dpns but it’s still a bit fiddley to begin.
Come back if it’s still not working.
Brilliant. Thank you so much. I’m going to try again and I’ll let you know how I get on.
Hi Salmonmac. Well. I now have something that does finally look like an arm with three fingers so thank you so much for your help. The only mistake I now have, is that the arms show a knit stitch as they should but from when I’ve cast for finger shapping it is all showing purl stitches. So close now but I just need you to tell me how on earth this has happened. Or, thinking outside the box, could I purl the finger shapping and so end up with a complete arm of knit stitches. Or is that cheating.
Progress! You’re almost there.
I bet this has to do with magic loop rather than the directions. Somehow the knitting has gotten flipped inside out.
When you work the increase row, row 11, make sure at that point that the V-side is facing out. You’re very close on this hand.
I feel tomorrow may be the day I crack it. I’m very grateful for your help and patience. Hopefully I’ll send a picture of it as should be.
Whoop de whoop. Its not quite perfect but I’ll take it for now. I’ll do something a little different on the next arm to see if I can perfect it. Thank you ever so much for all your help. I will seek your help in the future should I struggle on other projects if you don’t mind. Your explanations were simple for me and sometimes I just need that. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. I’m so pleased.
Success! The hand looks just as it should. Now hurry on to the second arm while it’s still fresh in mind. Looking forward to seeing the finished Peppa.
Second arm was easy and looks just like the pattern photo. You’re amazing. The rest is straight forward so Peppa will be alive soon.
Good going!