Knitting wrist warmers on magic loop and I want to leave a gap for the thumb….like a 1inch vertical slit on one side each. How please !!!
Magic loop wrist warmers
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If you’re just leaving an opening you can change to knitting flat. When you are at the point you want the opening, turn and (work back to the beginning, turn). LRR until your slit is the desired length then resume knitting in the round. I hope that makes sense. I’m confident there are patterns for such construction and probably free ones.
You might want to consider some stitches in garter or seed stitch to prevent rolling and maybe a slip stitch edge. Knitter’s choice. Whatever you think will make them the best they can be. An added crochet slip stitch finish on the opening might look nice and could prevent excessive stretch. I better stop with the rambling ideas. We love pictures! (subtle hint )