Hi: I’m new to knitting, and I’m trying to knit sleeves of a sweater in magic loop. I put it down for a few days, and the working yarn is on the front needle, not the back. I don’t think I turned the knitting inside out as the cuff is in rib and is still right side facing
Amy ideas on how to fix? Thanks in advance
Magic loop help
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It looks like your ribbing is k1,p1 and that stitch pattern is going to look the same on right side and wrong side.
What is the name of your pattern?
Are you knitting or purling all the stitches as you knit around?
Thanks so much for responding, the cuff was k1, p1 for 10cms, and then it switched to seed stitch with a row of knit in the middle
The pattern is Tyburn, and the sleeves were supposed to be knit flat, but I did them in the round. I just finished the first 6 rows of the seed stitch
It looks like the knitting is inside out because the purl bumps are to the outside.
It’s easy to correct. Here’s a helpful video at about 2min as far as changing outside to inside.
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This is great, thank you!
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