Lou pattern I can not understand terminology

Hi, I’m having problems with the Lou sweater pattern. Instructions for the back I’m at the stage for casting off for armholes (last but one size shown in brown text)cast off 4 sts twice etc does this mean cast off 4 sts tog at beg of next 2 rows, then 3 sts tog at beg of next 4 rows etc in total my calculations I need to cast off 26 sts in total. Help please I’m getting so frustrated and don’t like giving up. Thanking you in anticipation, Gail.

Welcome to the forum!
You’ve got it. You can use a stitch over stitch cast off and if you’d like, a sloped bind off leaves a very nice edge.

Just to be clear when you say 4sts tog, it’s k2, lift stitch one over stitch two and off the right needle, knit 1 more stitch and repeat the lift over and off. Keep repeating until the given number of sts have been cast off.

Hi, thank you for getting back to me I do understand how to cast off, I don’t think I explained my problem very well. Can you please explain row for row what I need to do to achieve the armhole instructions for the last but one size on the
Lou sweater pattern No 688-T18-226. Thank you, sorry to trouble you.

Outlook for Android

No trouble at all.
You’ll always be casting off at the beginning of a row.
Row 1 cast off 4sts, work across to the end of the row and turn
Row 2 cast off 4sts, work across to the end of the row and turn
Row 3 cast off 3sts, work across to the end of the row and turn
Row 4 cast off 3sts, work across to the end of the row and turn
Rows 5 and 6 repeat rows 3 and 4
Row 7 cast off 2sts, work across to the end of the row and turn
Row 8 cast off 2sts, work across to the end of the row and turn
Row 9 cast off 1 stitch, work across to the end of the row and turn
Row 10 cast off 1 stitch, work across to the end of the row and turn

Thank you so much that makes sense to me. I very much appreciate your time thank you for speedy response too.

Outlook for Android

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