ok, i have 15 cats, mostly kittens as i rescued ferrals before christmas, and had 1 accident in scooter who is the love of my life now.
kittens are a total joy, i actually prefer them when they are adults that still play as they know when to keep the claws in and teeth away from you lol.
Personally i would only feed dried cat food as its better for teeth etc. mine get meat as a treat, birthdays x mas etc.
as for budget toys etc, if you have scrap yarn, ball it up then sew through then ends to make balls. i made 30+ of these, they lasted over a month with about 10 kittens which i thought was pretty good going as i made them badly (late at night and shattered as i was hand rearing at the time).
dried food also tends to be cheaper.
litter training, my loy tought themselves to do it tbh. i just showed them the box and that was in they used it and are soo clean (cleaner than my older cats who get lazy and just do it where they feel like it, its grose).
persoanlly i wouldnt bother with books etc as you can find everything out online and from your vet. i’d go and pick your vets brain as well.
id invest in a thermomiter as well (digital is best) that way if kitty gets sick you can check that straight away to know if you need vetinary help.
cheap litter works just the same as the dear stuff, its just the odor controll isn’t as great as some of the expensice stuff.
kitten will need to be on kitten food until he/she is a year old.
vaccinations i think are done 6 or 8 weeks and then at 12 i think. i was told by my vet taht indoor cats dont need them as much as outdoor so my lot arent done at all. if he/she will be socialising then def get it done. its flu tetnus and other once that i cant think. if you have rabies in your area then thats a must tbh, not worth the risk for what it costs.
i would look into insurance as if kitty gets poorly ever its a huge peace of mind to know that all but the excess is covered. also if its something pricey a lot of vets wotn even tell you about it until they hear your insured, they just say sorry kitty must be put to sleep. i dont know what that costs in america, but in th euk its cheap for 1 cat.
they are very easy to care for, just follow your gut and you will know if something right/wrong.
anything else just yell, tahts all i can think of right now
but wow you must be sooo excited. i know i was when i brough my 1st home. also go to your rescue centre they will probably have kittens this time of year. if not they could put you on a waiting list for one