Loss of a Pet

Last night we lost our female long hair Dachshund, Sugarfoot. She passed away in her sleep. I as the one who found her when I went to be. I usually hear her bark at me but not last night. I went over to give her a belly rub lik I usually do and I notice her belly was hard as a rock and she was not breathing and was stiff as a board. Today my usband took the body to the vet"s to be cremated

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What a sweet dog! We are so fortunate to have such attentive, loving companions. I’m very sorry for your loss.

A sad day.
I’m sorry for your loss. It’s heartbreaking losing a pet.

So sorry for your loss :broken_heart: :two_hearts: She’s beautiful and looks a happy pup.

We have a mini dachshund (husbands soul dog) now, soon to be adding another irish setter (my soul dog). It’s so hard losing a part of your family. I have the ashes of my last setter and cat, I like to feel their presence and keeping them close feels like they are not gone. I hope you can get the same comfort.

A good friend sent me this little card when I lost my setter.

Big gentle hugs to you xx

No words can help with your loss of lovely Sugarfoot, sending you a warm hug to help you heal hole she left in your hart.

I’m so sorry for your loss, she looks so sweet and happy. This is always hard. Sending virtual hugs.

Yesterday we picked up Sugarfoot’s ashes . They had placed them in a ceramic urn , along with a card with the Rainbow Bridge poem, a plaster cast of Sugarfoot’s paw print and a cutting of her fur in a small orzgana bag .

It sounds like they have done this beautifully. I also have a couple of my pets ashes in lovely memory boxes and I know what comfort it brought me that I had those keepsakes.

Sugarfoot is a wonderfully sweet name. So sorry for your loss.

Sugarfoot was a good name for her. When we got her she was just 8 weeks old and her full coloring hadnot yet developed. Her feet were snow white, even her toenails were colorless. My husband said she had been sticking her feet in the sugarbowl and tha is how she got th nam of Sugarfoot.


Oh, DaylilyDawn, I so sympathise. It’s unbelievably painful to lose a beloved companion. I have two Havanese, Cuba and Arlo; I lost my dearest Coton de Tulear, Tycho, just over two years ago now, and still weep at the pain of it. We share such special-ness, such a unique part of ourselves with our pets, don’t we. Humans who have never owned a dog find it more or less impossible, in my experience, to understand that particular relationship. It’s different from any inter-human connection, of course, but has aspects that are utterly unique. We have such a brief time with them, even when they are a long-lived breed; Tycho and I had fifteen years together, in some ways closer than any fifteen years with another human - perhaps it’s that one-way actual conversation that is made up for so richly by the unspoken connection? Please do know how much empathy there is for you with anyone who has ever known the loss of a dog.

I thought you might want to see Sugarfoot’s companion

This is Gunner’s Coal He is 14 years old


He’s beautiful. I had a telephone call today from a friend who is probably going to be taking his dog to the vet tomorrow, for the final ‘goodbye’. It broke my heart, and brought back so many memories of circumstances so painful.


We lost Gunner’s Coal on Dec16.

I’m sorry, DaylilyDawn for the loss of this lovely dog. It’s a joy to have these wonderful animals for as long as possible.

I’m so sorry for your loss, especially so close to Christmas. He looked a real sweetheart.

Im so sorry. The loss of a beloved pet is so stressful. Especially when they are old like your baby was. We grow into the role of caretaker for a very needy pet. And just at the time of greatest dependence on us, when we are closer than ever to them, we lose them. I woke up in the middle of the night & stumbled over to my girl’s cage (which she needed to protect her after she went blind) to carry her outside for weeks after she passed away. Its just how ingrained they are in our lives.

Hugs. In time, you’ll be able to remember her more with smiles than with the tears.

Thank you. Both of our dogs were lvoed so much by all of us. They brough lots of laughs and joy to our lives while we had them. My husband was really devesated whne Sugarfoot passed but when Gunner’s Coal passed away five months later it rellay hit him hard. He said no more dogs because he can not take the heartache it leaves when they pass.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. Truly, I get it. I took me 9 years to get another dog. Sometimes the heartbreak is so big that you need to stop and just take as much time as you need. xx

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