Loops & Threads Cozy Baby Cardigan

I’m confused! Down to sleeve, but before, you’re dividing, “from the opposite side of the circular needle slide the last group of stitches to the marker onto a holder for the left front, leaving 41 (47, 53, 60) stitches on needle for right sleeve. I have 47 stitches.

This is where I’m confused: Sleeves:
Cast on 4 stitches, with right side facing knit across sleeve stitches on needle from yoke, cast on 4 more stitches - 46 (52, 58, 65) stitches. It says I should have 52 stitches. If I cast in 8 stitches I would have 55 stitches! Help!!! Why does the pattern say I should have 52 stitches?

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That is a puzzle. You’re knitting this sweater top down and you’re at the point of separating out the sleeves? Is that right or are you somewhere else in the pattern?

Loops & Threads Cozy Baby Lace Knit Baby Cardigan. It was from the store Michaels.

I couldn’t find the pattern. No matter.
It sounds like you’re casting on extra sts to knit the sleeves themselves. The extra sts will be on either side of the sleeve seam at the underarm. Is that it?
It could be a mistake in the pattern across all the sizes. Read ahead for sleeve decreases and see if the numbers are consistent with 52sts or 55sts. If you can’t tell, go with your count of 55. A few extra sleeve sts can always be decreased and shouldn’t make much difference.
You could send a message to Michael’s and the designer to ask them to check these numbers.

Here is the pattern and picture. Where I’m confused is where it starts up top on the second row. I’m doing 6-12 months. Hope this goes through! Thanks!

here is the pattern

Just as you said. They really seem to want 52sts decreasing to 40sts.
I’d still go with 4sts cast on each side. When you seam you’ll effectively have 3sts each side.
Six sts picked up at the body section (see later in the pattern) then matches the 6sts on the sleeve (one stitch each side having gone into the seam).
Darling sweater, by the way.

So I will have 55 stitches then? Any special way to cast on these stitches? I’ve never done one like this! Thank you!

Yes, 55sts. It’s a pretty loose sleeve and it’s for a child in any case so it should be fine.
You can use a backward loop cast on for this or you could use the knit or cable cast on. Here’s the cable cast on:

Thank you so much!

I had the same problem! Luckily it’s under the arm so it doesn’t show as much, all about function. I think I ended up solving it the same way, but not before a couple of different tries. It’s an awesome little sweater!

Just for fun, here’s mine:
[Mary’s Ice Cream Cardigan


Very nicely done!
Welcome to the forum.