Looking for patterns similar to what is in Romantic Hand Knits


I’m new to knitting but picked up the book Romantic Hand Knits at a store yesterday. I fell in love with it. I know much of it is beyond my level, so I thought I’d post a question here and see if any one had any more simple suggestions that are similar to items found in that book.

Also, if anyone has experience with any of the patterns in Romantic Hand Knits I’d love to hear what they are. I’m very excited about having found this book and hope to work up to some of the items in here.


I’ve never seen that book before, but want to let you know about this site…


there are LOTS of patterns there. Lots of good ones for beginners and more advanced knitters…

Thank you. I will definately have a look. :slight_smile:

I know that there are tons of “similar” patterns you can probably find but not knowing which type of items were of most interest to you, don’t know where to really direct ya… That said, if you really like this designers work, following are some links to some free patterns that she has designed (some of which are in the book you ref’d).

Dive on in and have fun!



(cardigan is also available on this site)


hope that helps

Oh wonderful. Thank you. I’ll have a look.

Honestly, I’m not sure what i’m looking for either. I’m almost finding it helpful just to look… I know I need something that is still easy, but I want to challenge myself too.

Thank you for all your help.

I totally hear you. And to be honest, I usually find my most favorite to-knits while perusing. Of course, I have a TON that I don’t feel yet advanced enough for bookmarked. SOMEDAY though…

Can’t wait to see what you decide to knit and then, of course, you have to share pix of your FO!

I read some of your posts and I would tell you to check out the show kitty gritty. it is great because they talk about different projects, rate them, and show a lot of basics that you might not have yet. I started out teaching myself and that show REALLY helped me. They also have a lot of great projects that they demonstrate and then online they have the pattern which helped me learn to read patterns! I posted a pattern for a cabled - braided scarf that is pretty easy and will make people think you have been at it for a while if you are looking for something a little different to try. Good luck!

Thanks. I will check it out and see. Thanks! :slight_smile: