Last night I was looking for a baby sweater pattern to make for a second cousin due to be born in March.
As I was “surfing” I came across a website that had sweaters that were children pullover crew necks.
They either had elephants (the one I want) or butterfly, moose, daisy, truck (I think) on each of them.
The sweaters were all pictured on one page and you could click on them separetely to get more information on each one.
OF COURSE, something happened to the computer, I lost:waah: the page and I could not get back to the website!
I have googled, etc and I can’t find it.
The site was not a big well known, like Lion Brand or Webs etc. I have the feeling she is a designer and has her own site.
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
I would be sooooo grateful for any leads, because I know my daughter in law would love the elephant one for my new 16 week old grandson!
Please help!!!