Looking for chevron lace afghan pattern

Hi folks. Years ago my ex-boyfriend’s mom gave me an afghan pattern. I lost it. I have hunted the internet, searched through books, asked friends, and I can’t find a similar one. Hope my description rings some bells with everyone here.
It was definitely a chevron, not wavy pattern like old shale, made of panels about 36 stitches. The lace holes were yarn over stitches. The holes were not numerous like some patterns I have seen. If I remember correctly, they were strategically placed on each side of the upward or downward spike of the chevron. Thanks for suggestions.

I’ve seen patterns just like that, but can’t find one now. I know the Jaywalker socks pattern stitch is like that, and the chevron lace beret; search for those and it will give you the basic st pattern which is - dec, Kx, YO, K1, YO, Kx, dec, repeat. Or something similar.

ETA: I finally found a scarf pattern - http://the-doily-underground.blogspot.com/2007/10/spot-dyed-chevron-lace-scarf-with.html
and a variation in a blanket - http://www.fortheloveofyarn.com/Issues/07Spring/patterns/spring07_cielo.shtml

Thanks! The scarf looks somewhat similar. When I have the determination to do an afghan-sized project, I will have something to refer to.

I think I found it!:yay: It looks familiar, and the pattern even looks familiar.

Yep, that would be a good one. Forgot to look under zig zag…