Looking for an unusual heart pattern

i say unusual … i mean anatomical. i know we are just done with christmas, but valanties day isnt that far away (not when you knit as slowley as me!), and well regular hearts are just to … smooshy for me :heart: hehehe, (and more specifically my bf).

i also seem to have developed a strange obsession with knitting body parts lately as well … dont ask.

anyway has anybody seen any patterns for knitted anatomical heart soft toys, kinda like this:

alternativly can anybody translate from crochet to knit patterns!?

Little hearts -

or a heart cushion?

A heartwarmer -

All from this site -

I know there was one in the Knit.1 Valentine’s issue last year - I’m sure it was Knit.1 (Vogue’s offshoot). I’ll see if I can look it out :slight_smile:

Edit : Here’s a link to a finished one : http://www.knit1mag.com/blog/?p=163

It was in the Love Issue :slight_smile:

thanks. i had seen that heart in somebodies blog, but couldnt figure out whre the pattern had come form. now to track it down!

Here’s one