Looking for a dragon pattern?

My nephew has just read the book ‘Eragon’ and he now absolutely loves it. Anything slightly Eragon related, he has to have. So I’ve decidecd I want to knit him a stuffed “Saphira”. So I began searching for a free dragon pattern, but the only ones I can find are crochet. Have any of you ran across or made a pattern for knitting a dragon?

Here’sone on knitty.

Oh, I could just kiss you. I looked all over, and somehow bypassed that one. Thank You!

Im still open for suggestions though, if anybody has any more patterns. I have a few other people I just thought might enjoy a stuffed dragon, and it would be nice if they didnt all look similar.

I knit this for my dragon obsessed dd and she absolutely loves it!
Of course she is 2.5 and a bit easier to impress…hehe but if you
know some younger kids it could be a fun project.

Libbie :slight_smile:

Thats a perfect dragon head. I have a 3 y old nephew who will probably want a dragon too, after his brother gets one, so this will probably come in handy. Then I might try to combine the two projects and make a dragon for myself! lol