I’m looking for a dragon and/or knight sweater pattern to fit a 6-year old. Anyone know of any books or magazines that have one? I found one a few months ago and am kicking myself for not buying it!
I’m looking for a dragon and/or knight sweater pattern to fit a 6-year old. Anyone know of any books or magazines that have one? I found one a few months ago and am kicking myself for not buying it!
Are you looking for a sweater with a “graph” of a Dragon or Knight to knit into the sweater, or for a sweater with… say ridges along the sleeve to make the dragon scales and such?
I have lots of patterns from my Grand mother that have “dinosaur” graphs that could very easily adjusted into a Dragon. They are very simple to knit and I have several vest type patterns as well.
I don’t have anything fancier.
But the good news is you could created your own graph if that is what you are looking for!
I made this one. The pattern is from the book Kids, Kids, Kids put out by Creative Knits. http://amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/002-4063473-1541632?initialSearch=1&url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Kids%2C+Kids%2C+Kids&Go.x=11&Go.y=11&Go=Go
Ingrid, that’s the pattern I saw, didn’t buy, and have been looking for ever since! Thanks so much for the info on the book!!
Thank you, too, Songbirdy, for your suggestions and offers of help.
Happy knitting to you both!
I had a feeling that was it. I walked into the store and asked if they had a dragon pattern. She suggested I look through the books. This was the first one I picked up to look through. Must have been fate!
Hi Ingrid:
Your Dragon and Knight sweater looks fabulous! This is definitely the work of an experienced knitter.
I know this is pattern request is from 2005, but my son also wants a dragon sweater for Christmas. I tried the amazon link and it no longer works. Can anyone tell me if they have any ideas on where I can get a dragon sweater pattern for that a 9-year old boy would like. Thanks
The book is still out there; look at the bottom right if this page for a small picture of the pattern. There’s a knight, castle and fire-breathing dragon.
This one has a dragon in the pattern–a little more sophisticated.
If you google ‘dragon knitting chart’ you can find several more–try under images.